Night Class 4-Part 1: The Dismissal

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I watched Lexi pet Bunny. Bunny was sitting on her lap, smiling. Kuro-Sensi was doing a lecture on something I already learned about. Karma was no where to be seen. He was probably spending time with his Mother.

"Um, execuse me?"

The three of us looked up to see Yui. She was standing in the doorway, her hands together. Behind her was Karma.

"Hello Miss!" Kuro-Sensi yelled. "How may I help you?"

"I-I-I came to pick up the Sakamakis!"

I looked over at Lexi. She made no move to get up.


Kuro-Sensi moved his tentacles around.

"All of them?"

"Y-Yes!" She stammered. "B-Besides Alex....."

Lexi slowly stood up and walked over to Yui and Karama. The others did as well. When Mark got over to Yui he hugged her tightly. Yui smiled and hugged him back. They both pulled away and walked away the others. Mark and Karma walking side-by-side beside their Mother. Cho listening to his music, his ear buds on. Lisa buried in her book. Marie wearing her precious black hat. And last but not least, Lexi holding her stuff Bunny.

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