Dylan Larkin (Part 1)

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requested by BalorLover

Your aunt rarely comes to visit from Canada, but when she does she always has the best gifts for you. Last time it was the jersey of a fresh faced Red Wings player, Dylan Larkin.

You couldn't help but search him up, you knew he was on the all star roster, but you didn't know that he was good enough to be on the Wings at such a young age, all their players are much older. You instantly liked him, his stats were amazing, he played well, he instantly replaced your other favorites.

This time your aunt bought you tickets, not just any tickets, glass seats, like, right on the ice.

Since she bought the tickets, you spent your money on getting drinks, beer for the both of you and you set off to go find your aunt.

You finally find her just as warm ups are about to start, barely missing the teams walking on to the ice.

You try to hide that you are trying to take photos off all the Wings players that pass by, and you are grateful that some of them stand still long enough for you to snap a photo.

The one person you wanted a picture of -Larkin- wasn't sitting still long enough, he was always moving places. And finally, he stops a little further away from you to talk to Pavel, and you take your chances.

Once the photo is taken, and you hand your camera over to your aunt, you notice something.

He was staring right at the camera.


It wasn't long until Detroit was in the lead, it was a steal, the Senators haven't been doing so well this season, and it was easy for the Wings to rack up goals right away.

And once again, Larkin shines, scoring the last goal of the game.

The arena was clearing out pretty fast, and your aunt was still munching on the pizza that she ignored during the game. You wait silently, enjoying the post game buzz of the space around you.

When your aunt finally finishes her food, you both rush up the stairs hoping to catch up on lost time and make it home before midnight. But post game traffic is going to be a pain in the ass to get out of.

In the hallways, auctioneers are closing up, the merchandise shop has shut down and the ushers are now cleaning up the popcorn littered floor. You were trying to wrap up your camera as you walked, to save time.

Doing two things at once meant that you eyes were focused on one of those things, and you weren't watching where you were going. So when you bump into a suit clad chest, your camera goes tumbling down to the floor.

Luckily, the person caught it and you couldn't be more thankful for their fast reflexes.

"I am so sorry," They keep repeating that while fumbling with the shutter cover of my camera that popped off. "Here's your camera, I am so happy that it didn't break."

"So am I," You finally speak up, the shock finally wearing off, "I'm Y/N." you say while trying to get the camera back in the bag you bought for it.


You chuckle, "Funny story, I'm wearing Dylan Larkin's jersey and you have the same name as him."

"Even funnier story, I am Dylan Larkin."

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