Andre Burakovsky

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requested by (almost 2 years ago i'm so sorry) nhlobsessed38

"Stop messing with your IV."

"It itches, and I'm convinced that nurse is trying to kill me."

"Andre-" You sigh, his stubbornness was getting you no where and you needed to study for the anatomy test that's coming up.

"I'm tired of laying here in this stupid bed, I just want to go home." This is the second night in a row that he has been huffing and puffing about spending the night in the hospital. This was not new to you, the hospital is where you met him and somewhere you keep ending up because he seemed to have become an 'enforcer' in the game of hockey.

Constant concussion scares and badly sprained bones that even seasoned doctors thought were broken at first sight were his usual M.O. but this time it was real.

"A-a-and I keep telling them I'm fine. I can go home, and sleep in my own bed, with you actually in it and not on some stiff, uncomfortable chair, halfway across the room because some stingy night nurse won't let you sleep next to me. I mean, for heaven's sake, mind your own business, Mrs. Becky!"

The woman in question sticks her head in and sticks her tongue out at him, "It's my job to be nosey."

You roll your eyes, here we go again. "Andre,"  you say more forcefully again and he finally shuts up enough to pay attention to you. "You're not fine. You need to rest, and in a few days I'll take you home."

It was his turn to roll his eyes, "A few days of you breaking your back on that damn thing. Get up here."

He moved to the far left of the bed, making some room for you and you didn't hesitate to take him up on his offer.

"Mrs. Becky can kiss my ass, if they want me to stay, I am making the rules."

"I have seen your ass Burakovsky, and I would rather not have it anywhere near my lips." The nurse had popped back in to check his vitals. They had a love/hate relationship, she had to wake him up every three hours to make sure he was still alive and in return he was giving her hell for it. "Now I have already told you that Y/N-"

"-Isn't allowed to be in the bed with me, as she isn't the patient and it could hinder your abilities to administer care. I get it, but I don't like how the woman I love has to suffer ever night because you people won't release me!"

Your eyebrows shoot up with his latest rant and tingles shoot through your fingers, the first time he has used the word love in reference to your relationship.

"The woman you love has been trying to get your attention for the past half hour but you've been griping the entire time." Andre froze at your words, realizing what he had said in the heat of the moment. Becky took this as her chance to slip out of the room before anything happened. "The woman you love also wants a kiss in return for her putting up with your bull."

He knew he wouldn't regret saying it to you but he wishes it could've been more special. "Your wish is my command, my love."

Grasping his neck gently, you lean in to press a gentle kiss on his lips. Smiling softly, he continues to peck your lips, even after you fall into a fit of giggles.

"I love you, Andre."

"I love you more than you can ever imagine, Y/N."

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