Nathan Bastain

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i probably rewrote this 89347297505 times honestly requested by puck1223

Fidgeting. That is Nathan's nervous tick. Whether it was bouncing his knee, or playing with your fingers, when he is nervous, he has to move, even if it is just a bit.

The both of you were in the hotel room provided, an hour or two before the first day of drafts started, and Nathan was a nervous wreak. You were fixing your hair into a top knot, but in the mirror, Nate was taking up most of your attention, he was struggling to fix the tie on his suit.

Securing the last bobby pin in place, you walk away from the mirror and closer to the bed, where he was untying his tie for the four time. It was his lucky tie, a bit worn, but fancy all the same, and you take it from his hands. "Let me try." You had to stand on your toes to tie it because you weren't wearing any shoes.

Since you took away the thing he was messing with, his hands rest on your hips, tugging on the ribbon on your waist line. The white ribbon matched your dress, and was sown into it and he was getting frustrated with it.

"You have no reason to be nervous, y'know?" You told him, staring at the tie resting perfectly on his chest, you hands resting on either side of it. He doesn't answer, instead he presses his lips to the top of your head, just resting there and taking deep breaths through his nose.

You wrap your arms around his waist, basking in the last moment of peace before the rush of him getting drafted takes over. You knew Nathan was thinking too hard, he keeps wanting to say something, but then stops suddenly, going back to the position he was in before.

"I'm not really nervous about getting drafted," He suddenly blurts out, "It's more of the fear of where I will be drafted to. How far I have to be from you and my family. How long before I get to see you again."

He bends down to pick up his dress shoes and hands you your heels, "I mean if I don't get drafted, I'll still have you and I still have the chance to go to college." His hands don't leave your shoes when you held both heels in your hand. "But if I get drafted, will I have you?"

You were shocked, this is what he was nervous about? Losing you? You tried to conjure an answer but Nathan seemed to take it badly, so you sputter out what you had on your mind. "You're absolutely crazy!"

That shocked him, and his face fell even more and his ticks were heightened, his hands tying and untying the shoe that wasn't on his foot yet. "I didn't mean it like that," you clarify, "I meant that it's crazy that you think I would leave you."

He seemed to deflate, his shoulders slumping in relief, and his arms wrapped around you. "I'm sorry I thought that way." He says and you don't reply, instead you drop your shoes and put your arms around him. After a moment of thinking he speaks up again, "You're going to be alone a lot."

You laugh at him, you can tell that he was trying to keep a straight face too. "I have other friends besides you, you that right?" You tell him, looking up at him smiling face. Seeing him happy made you happy, and the serious thoughts vanished.

"You're a loner, Sparky doesn't count as a friend Y/N." He laughs with you.

You slap his arm, "A dog is every woman's best friend." After you pick your shoes back up and walk towards the couch to put them on, you turn around to face Nathan again. "In fact, I think he might replace you. New setting for you, new boyfriend for me."

Nathan was quick to cross the room, sweeping you into his arms. Literally, carrying you bridal style, he walks to the door laughing his head off. "Let's go find out my new place."


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