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Hello, beautiful people!

Here we are, the 3cupcakes, starting our way with our second book already!

Let us note before anything, that this book cannot, by any means, be read before reading the book before it: Never Ever (Charlotte's Story) ─So if you haven't read it before, please go back and read it, then come here :)

Now if you have actually read Nec's, allow us to welcome you to our new humble piece of writing, which we hope you'll enjoy. We would like to note we are no proffessionals and our mistakes are a whole lot, but oh well, we love writing♡

Please no hate, just be kind. The world needs kindness :)

So finally, we hope you enjoy our book as much as we enjoy writing it, and we thank you for your massive support through our previous one! You are the reason we are where we are today!

This book shall start three weeks from now, which will rather be on Sunday, August 7, 2016!

Please until then, keep in touch with Never Ever so you don't forget its details ;) And trust us, we have a whole lot in store for you:

●Unanswered questions answered :)

●Mysteries revealed :)

●New mysteries ;)

●New, possibly dangerous truths :)

●A good deal of romance, drama, and warmth :)

●And a fair deal of action because, oh well, romance is not fun when it's purely cliché and all fairytale, right? ;)

So here's a little Preview to get you excited:

I balled my hand up into a tight fist and kept it at my side, doing everything in my power to prevent it from going up on its own to... uhm, entangle around him.

He moved his lips against mine softly for a second, yet immediately pulled back for another second, before the simple peck turned into something more.

He leaned again, and placed his lips against mine, unmoving.

My whole body shook slowly, and I was frozen.

My eyes were wide, unregistering, as they gazed into him with disbelief.

His eyes continued to darken with arctic coldness, as they burried into mine with utter darkness.

He placed both his hard, and muscular hands over my upperarms, as he pinned me to the wall ─preventing me from moving.

Questions shot to my mind like a thousand bullets, and I shuddered fiercely.

What... What was happening?! God!

What's he doing?! An-And... here!! In front of two-hundred Goddamned people!!

He clenched his jaw, as he parted his lips, against mine, and spoke:

"Resist me."

His voice had come cold, arrogant, demanding, and most importantly, unaffected. Holy damn!

I flinched, and gasped; my comprehension system in a sleep.

"Wh-Wha..." I murmured against his lips.

My lips were shaking, and my whole entity was shaken as well.
My lips felt dry and a deep realization had hit them... A realization of a sudden urgent need I've never known before.

"Resist me, Thorne."


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TONU: Missing Memory

See you three weeks from now, we'll miss you!


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