Chapter 1

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I watch the man before me go through the papers, I wished he could go faster because the sooner this was all done with the better. I had had enough, it was just too much, the shame and humiliation it brought me was getting unbearable. I couldn't take it anymore.

Oh. Forgive my rudeness, I forgot to introduce my self to you.

My name is Yuichiro.

Yuichiro Wonderland.

I bet you're laughing so hard right now that you're rolling on the floor. The question lingering through everyone's mind is 'what kind of name is Wonderland.' Well, it was my name, it has been my family name for years now, for whatever reason my ancestors kept such a stupid name and never changed it, so we all had to answer it.

But no more, not for me anymore. The name was just too embarrassing to keep, I have dealt with bullies all because of my name. Sad right? Well, I wasn't going to go through all the shame anymore because here I am now, about to change my name, rid myself from that curse of a name and I couldn't wait to do it.

"Mr. Wonderland, it says here you're only seventeen." The man finally said something after what seemed to be hours of silence between the two of us.

"Yes." I say. "I am seventeen."

"I am sorry Mr. Wonderland-"

"Please." I interrupt him, I couldn't bear being called that name. "Call me Yuichiro."

"Mr. Yuichiro you cannot have a change of name at this age, you have to be legal, a.k.a eighteen." The man says. "Well without your parent's approval."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, I actually knew I would run into this problem, but I had put my hopes up. I am not yet a free man, not until I'm eighteen, I needed my parent's consent to do this but they were the last persons I wanted to tell. I remember the last time I brought up a change of name to them and we had such a heated argument that ended with me going to bed without lunch or dinner and a month of being grounded. Yes, I was doing this without my parents knowledge, that's how badly I needed to get rid of this stupid name.

"Come on sir." I beg. "I'm seventeen aren't I? What's a one year difference?" The man's face remains unchanged, not touched from what I was saying. "Please sir, you have to do this for me, be honest when you saw that my name was Wonderland you wanted to laugh right? Please do this for me, I'm begging."

"I'm sorry Mr. Yuichiro." The man says. "There is nothing I can do, if you wish to change your name you would have to come back-" His hands searched through some papers on the desk, he picks one up and gives it to me. "With this signed by your parents, I need their consent on this. I'm sorry, I can't go against the law."

I snatch the paper from his hands and stand up, taking my leave without even a wave goodbye. I was just too mad right now, it wasn't fair. I had hoped to walk out from this building with a new name but I guess I wasn't getting my wishes granted tonight.

I make my way back home, shoving the paper into my bag because I knew there was no way my parents would sign it. This was frustrating, my last hope to get rid of that name was gone, I had to wait a year before I could do anything about it. I hated my life so much no one could possibly understand.

"Welcome back son." The raven haired lady smile at me, I was a replica of her, same raven hair, same emerald eyes, the only difference was the fact that she was a woman. "Did you have fun with your friends?" She asks.

"Yes mum." I lie to her. I couldn't tell her where I had really gone too, she would completely loose it. "I'm going to my room, call me when dinner is ready."

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