Chapter 26

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Knave of Heart's POV

I feel something cold all over me and jump out of bed. I look and see the Wonderland smirking at me.

"Good morning." He said and walked away.

This was getting frustrating, he'd been doing it ever since that night I messed with him. It was a harmless joke and he took it so seriously and now I'm the one who gets to suffer for it. Getting poured cold water, sand in my food, lizards in my baths, the boy was unbearable. Unfortunately I had to still keep him around, two weeks left till I hand him over to the red queen, I can do it......I really hope I don't kill him before then.

Yuu's POV

"I'M BORED!" I yell into Crowley's ears, he shoves me away. "You should learn how to entertain guests."

"Go outside and play with other kids." Crowley said.

"Outside? Where they're waiting to sell me off to someone? No thanks. If I want to go out, I need you with me as a bodyguard." He chuckled, a sign of mockery. "Fine! I'll go myself." Before leaving, I took the book he was reading and threw it across the room running out before he said anything.

I was acting very childish but I didn't care, this guy really annoyed me so I was going to do the same to him. I look around the place, it's not too busy as usual, not far away was the gate and then a thought came to me. Why hadn't I run away yet? Crowley barely cared about me, he was always out and about with women and never kept an eye out for me. I could have escaped all this while.

I'm not interested to know what the queen of hearts would do to me, I had been a little too relaxed to see the actual danger laid ahead for me. It was now or never. I run as fast as my my legs could carry me and in no time I'm at the gate. As I walk out of it I remember, that ancient bridge and the beast in the water below. If I was going to cross I needed to be very careful with it.

My heart raced, I took another look into town. Maybe staying wouldn't be so bad, I didn't want to die just yet but then the red queen could kill me so it was the same thing. I was going to cross. I took the first step on the bridge, then the second. I held on tight to the side and kept moving gently. So far so good, if I kept this pace, I would be out of here in no time.

"There he is lord Crowley." I heard a voice and I turned to see Crowley with one of the girls from the town.


Scared of what he would to me, I started running, not caring about the bridge again.

"GET BACK!" I heard him yell and turned to see him running towards me.

"No, no, no." I couldn't let him catch me, he looked very angry and could kill me. No matter what, I had to run, run as fast as I c- "WAA!" My leg gets into a whole making me fall through it but I hold on quickly to the bridge. Its true, two people fell through here few days back. "CROWLEY!" I scream. My body trembling. "CROWLEY HELP!!" I heard footsteps and look up to see him. "Crowley, please help me. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I-"

He smirked. "Who told you running away was a good idea."

"Please help!" I cried out. "I won't do it again."

"Of course you won't." He reached out to me and I took his hands. I felt so relieved, I was saved.

"Thank you Cr-" I didn't finish thanking him when he suddenly let me go, the last thing I saw was his evil smirk before falling into the water.


I open my eyes expecting to see myself in heaven facing judgement. Well it's straight up hell for me, I haven't been such a righteous person.

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