Chapter 20

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The tall pink haired male stares at Yoichi and I, no doubt he's in shock since he dropped the books in his hands. I move a bit away from Yoichi, this was awkward, what else could be more awkward than running right into your ex boyfriend kissing another guy.

"Yoichi, Wonderland I did not know you two were intimate?"He came out from his shocked state and began picking up his books. "Wasn't it momentarily that you were fighting feelings for the Hatter and Cheshire, Wonderland?"

"What? No, I don't have feelings for either of them."

"So it's Yoichi?"

"No...I-" Yoichi silenced me.

"You don't have to say anything to him Yuu-kun it's none of his business."

"Indeed it isn't." Kimizuki began picking up his nose books. "Well I'm happy you were able to find someone else Yoichi, goodday to both of you."

Kimizuki left and I couldn't help but feel very bad, we weren't close but still I didn't feel comfortable with him thinking I I've taken his ex away. Relationship situations like that were so much of a bother.

"Yoichi, Kimizuki seems very nice, it's hard to imagine he pushed you away."

"Shiho is into herbs and medicine."


"That's his main name Shiho."Yoichi said. "He's always so busy and buried in herbal stuff, I had a huge crush on him for the longest time and finally got some courage to confess to him, he agreed and we started a relationship but....he barely did anything with me....he isn't very romantic at all, all my birthday gifts were some sort of medicine, it's like he wasn't even trying in the relationship." Yoichi blushed. "Plus he wasn't even into sexual stuff."


"Yuu-kun I've been in this world for over two hundred years and I've never been sexual with any person." Yoichi said, I was a bit embarrassed hearing this but I had to listen to him. "It isn't easy finding an ideal partner and I don't want to just do it for pleasure alone."

"I see...but still...about my feelings as well, Yoichi I have it rough with Mika and and Lacus-"

"Yuu-kun are you really considering those two? They're both restarting a battle that ended years ago, with your mother and all."

Lacus had convinced me that it wasn't because of my mother he was doing this, and I believed him but I still wasn't sure. Mika on the other hand was an assailed an Di couldn't predict him, he doesn't know how to express his feelings, he's a huge jerk and hurts people a lot.

"Yoichi, I've always wanted to know, what exactly happened? With my mother, Lacus and Mika."

"Well Lacus was the first to fall for her, Mika didn't care, in fact he started out hating her. Mika knew about Lacus's crush and wasn't happy about it but as good friends he cheered him on and helped him where he could but all Lacus did was in vain because your mother was falling in love with Mikaela. It's like one of those unrealistic shoujo manga Yumi likes reading, the girl falls for the annoying guy who mistreats her. Mika too developed feelings for her, they both confessed to each other and started a hidden romance for the sake of Lacus. Sadly those idiotic twins caught them kissing and told everyone. Lacus was crushed. He was so angry he almost lost himself."

"The story does sound like something that came from a shoujo manga." Though this was very real.

"They may have not told you but they had a bloody fight over her."

"They did?"

"Well Lacus did, Mikaela just tried shielding himself. He couldn't fight his friend back. He's all healed now but it cost him an arm."

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