Chapter 23

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Mina's POV

This was really troublesome. I didn't expect Mika and Lacus to be together in my house, it had been years since I last saw Lacus and Mika told me they still weren't on friendly terms with each other. And to think it was all my fault...but then again, what wrong did I do? I only fell in love, people fall in love right? Had it become a crime?

"How's everyone?"Soushi asks me.

"They seem to be ok." I smiled. "I'm just happy that You has gotten so close, now everyone can live happily."

"Do you think it's a good idea? Lacus and Mika together?"

"They wouldn't fight in front of Yuu would they? I'm pretty sure they don't want to reveal everything to him." I'm finished with the snacks I was preparing for them.

"Honey, about that-"

"I'll be right back." I carry the tray of snacks and leave, heading into Yuu's room.

I walk back into the room, the boys were busy playing a board game, there was a lot of controversies going on.


"Words of a sore loser."

They seem to be having fun even Mika and Lacus, I was glad, before these two couldn't stand the sight of each other but it was a huge development that they were together in a room and it wasn't burning down. Maybe it was a close step to them becoming friends again.

"Oh hey mum."

Yuu finally noticed my presence in the room as did the others. "I brought snacks, in case you boys are hungry." One of the twins gets up and takes the tray from my hands and goes to sit again. "I see you're all having fun."

"As if, Mika keeps beating everybody." Yuu said.

"I'm sure he's cheating." Lest said.

"I'm not, I was only taught by the best." Mika said as he winked at me.

"What the hell was that?" Yuu asked. "Mum, what do you know?"

"Well I am a master at this game." I said. "When Mika and I played, I always creamed him and so I showed him mercy and decided to teach him a few tricks."


I winked at Yuu. "Sorry son I don't kiss and tell."

"But you told Mika." Kimizuki said.

"That's because she has literally kissed him." Renee said.

I blush, how could he just say that, right in front of Yuu, I hoped he understood.

"Mina, why not get us some drinks?" Mika said. "How can you bring delicious treats and no drink? Some wife you are."

I frowned. "What does that mean?"

"It means I'm glad I didn't take you for a wife."

"Are you guys flirting?"

"NO. OF COURSE NOT." I yell, I didn't want You getting the wrong idea about Mika and I. "Mika is a flirtatious man who will flirt with married women with kids, he's just that perverted. It means absolutely nothing."

"But doesn't it ignite past feelings?" Yoichi asked.

These boys were horrible, I was trying hard to hide everything but they were trying harder to reveal it all. What's wrong with them? It's best I just leave before Yuu finds out.

"OI MINA!" Renee called to me. "I'm curious how are you able to still be around a man you were forced by unfortunate circumstances not to be with? There was a time you still loved him before you fell for your husband."

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