Chapter 2

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I prepare myself to go to school, while looking at the mirror, my eyes avert over to the small bandage on my head. It was the cut I got from that fall yesterday while in my sister's room. My mind immediately goes back to that, I still wondered how I fell, I didn't trip but I certainly felt a shove.

My sister went on about an invisible presence she called Mika, there was no way that my sister's imaginary friend could have shoved to the ground. That thought was ridiculous. I decide to ignore it, see it as just myself being clumsy and move on with life.

Done with dressing up, I quickly pick up my bag and rush down the stairs. Getting closer to the living room, I begin to tip toe, I did not want to see either one of my parents before I left. I was still a bit annoyed with yesterday's argument and wasn't in the mood to speak to either one of them. I'm almost at the door, few more steps and I'm out of the house.


I freeze.


Someone had caught me.

I fun around, forcing a smile on my face, it was my mother, she stood behind me smiling, like nothing had happened between us, it was so annoying.

"Are you off to school son?" She asks.

"Yes mother." I say.

"Aren't you going to have a little breakfast?" She asked me. "Besides, it's still too early to leave."

I sigh in frustration, this was the main reason why I didn't want to get caught. I was leaving way too early for school, of course I wouldn't go there straight away, I would take a few stops, I just didn't want to see my parents before going. "I'm not hungry."

She giggles, I don't really understand what was so funny at that moment. "I'm sorry son." She says. "You're problem angry at your father and I after yesterday's argument."

Damn right I am.

"Please don't leave on an empty stomach." She says to me. "After all, you didn't eat last night either, you could get hungry, you know as your mother that I'll get worried. Please son."

Another reason why I really didn't want to meet up with anyone, especially her. She always had a way of persuading me to do things, I guess it was that motherly nature inside of her. Well, right now I couldn't say no. I drop my bag and wave both of my hands as a sign of ok I will. She turns and head into the kitchen and I follow.

I eat in silence, not gazing away from my food, hurriedly putting each spoonful in my mouth. I was still in s hurry, my mother I could handle, but my father was a different story, he was the one I really didn't want to meet. My mother was preparing my sister's things for school, packing her lunch box. It felt awkward being unable to talk to her, I didn't know what to say, starting a conversation would be nice but I really didn't want to but something inside me told me I had to.

"Are you finished eating son?" She asks when she notices that I had stopped eating for a while. I quickly pick my spoon up again and continue eating, answering her question. She turns back to what she was doing. "Do you want me to pack a lunch box for you? You always liked that when you were younger."

"No." I said. "I'm fine." The tone of my voice sounded like that of someone who was annoyed. I didn't want my mum to think that she was annoying or bothering me, because she wasn't. I was still a little angry over yesterday, no matter how hard I tried sounding cheerful, I just couldn't. I was too pissed. I really needed to leave at that moment, things were getting rather uncomfortable for me. I didn't want to stick around anymore, I had to go and fast. I finish up the remaining food in my plate, get up and put the plate in the sink.

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