Chapter 4

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The car ride to Akane's place was quiet, neither I or my dad had said a word. It reminded me of the fact that I hadn't yet spoken well to him ever since that huge argument we had the other day. Now they had allowed me to change my name, maybe he hasn't accepted it but my mum had just talked him into saying yes. I felt a bit bad if that was the reason for him not speaking to me. I did not like the atmosphere surrounding us at all, we needed to get to Akane's place, and fast.

"So." My father finally spoke. "You're changing your name tomorrow right?"

"Um..yes." I said, my voice choked a bit making me to clear my throat, this was really awkward.

"You know." My father smiled. "When I first met your mother when we were kids, she was just like you. As time grew by she still hated the name Wonderland so much."

"Really?" I asked. "Mum never told me she hated the name too."

"You are very similar to your mother, son." He said. "Anyway, she eventually came to accept it and she then loved the name so much, always wanted to keep it."

"What changed her mind about it?" I asked.

"A guy."


"Nope, the guy she loved as a kid."

Mikaela Tepes. That was his name right? My mum had just told me about him, a guy who she fell in love with when she was younger. The man must have been something special if he made my mum change her mind about the name. I would never allow something as petty as love do that to me. Besides, I don't think any girl will like having to answer Wonderland when they got married.

"So love actually made her change her feelings towards the name." I sighed. "She is such a typical damsel." I listened to my dad as he chuckled, it made me smile, I was happy that he wasn't mad at me anymore. "Dad, how did you feel about mum's name? I'm surprised you accepted to change yours, normally isn't it the woman who has to change it? What is so special in that name?"

"Well." He said. "There's a legend that says that Alice has a line of descendants. You know Alice right? From wonderland?"

"The fairytale?" I said. "Yes I know her."

"I think your mother's family lineage are descendants of hers." He said. "And as her descendants, they must always answer the name Wonderland, it is never to be changed and every Wonderland has to believe in magic or else, the real Wonderland world will fade away."

I listen to what he was saying, when he finally finished he looked at me, as if waiting to hear what I had to say about it. Well, I sure had a lot to say....or do. "BWAHAHA..." I suddenly burst out laughing, I continued on for a good five minutes, tears coming out from my eyes. "Oh dad..haha..that's a good one..ahahaha.." I looked at him but he wasn't laughing back, he was looking at me with an offended expression. "You were joking right?" I asked.

He smiled, clearly a fake one, I could totally see the hurt in the smile. But why? It was a joke, Wonderland did not exist. "Yup, it was a joke son, I hope you liked it." He said.

"Y-yes." I said as I look away.

"Anyway, my point is-" he said again. "No matter what happens, even if you change your name, you're still my son and that makes you a Wonderland to me."

I smiled. "Thanks dad. I know this might be hard for you, seeing what I'm about to do..but thank you for supporting me. I love you so much."

"I love you too son." He said. "By the way, you look really good in that, sorry I couldn't compliment you earlier."

"It's ok and thanks." I said.

"Now then, let's hurry up and get you to that party." It didn't take up to five minutes after he said that statement when our car suddenly stopped. "What the-" he turned the ignition severally but the car didn't start. "Oh no." He said. "All out of gas, but how? I just got some yesterday."

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