Chapter 29

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Mika's POV

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Yuu-chan was still trembling from his encounter with Nal. I was surprised seeing him here but I could tell how he had gotten in. He must have found this place with help from his demon friend and the entrance only responds to a Wonderland. He looked the other way where Renee was playing around with Nal. "I'm sure you want an explanation for this."

"Where did you get that dragon?" He asked. His voice was soft and low. "I thought dragons were extinct here?"

"I've always had her." I said. "I just never saw the point of exposing her to everyone else. Nal has been with me since I was a kid."

He looked back at me. "A kid?" He asked and I nodded, I already knew what came next. "You had this dragon when you were with my mum?"

"Yes Yuu-chan." I said. "I had Nal at that time too and yes I lied about everything, I didn't give Mina up because I couldn't make her immortal, I gave her up because I wanted your father to be happy."

I loved Mina very much but something told me that Soushi was a better choice for her. She and I together didn't make a lot of people happy and I didn't want to tear her away from her family and friends. A part of me had even hoped that giving her up with cause an end to this feud between Lacus and I but I was wrong.

"Yuu-chan can I ask you something?"


"Why are you able to see me? I thought my mum made me invisible to you?" A smirk appeared on my lips. I couldn't help myself, Yuu-chan hadn't taken me away from his sight, he was angry at me but he didn't hate me that much.

Yuu's POV

Yes. Yes I didn't make Mika invisible to me, even Lacus. I wanted to do it but as I thought more about it, I couldn't. Krul was right, I was very angry at them but I didn't hate them up to that extent. I couldn't erase them from my memories but I wish I didn't meet them, not meeting them would have saved me a lot of tears.

Mika smirked but I didn't find anything funny, I had overstayed my welcome. I needed to go, I wanted this two days I spend in Wonderland to be free of him.

"I'll be going now." I said. "Help me thank Renee, if it hadn't been for him I would be dead by now." I tried walking passed him but he blocked my way.

"Stay a little."


"Come meet Nal." He said pointing at the dragon. "She's actually sweet when you get to know her better."

"That's what Yoichi said about you."


Asura appeared in front of me. "I think it'll be fun Yuu, getting to be friends with a dragon like that."

"That dragon just tried to kill me."

"It's a dragon." Asura said. "It's her instinct to attack anyone she doesn't know. Come on, do you really want to walk out of here without becoming friends with a dragon?"

"I think I'll live with it." I said and tried  leaving, as I turned I saw the dragon right in front of me. I screamed and hid behind Mika. "When did it get here?"

"She's apologizing for scaring you." Renee said. "Which is weird, she doesn't take interest in someone so easily."

Now that it wasn't roaring and breathing fire at me, the dragon looked really cute. It was giving me an innocent look, it really was sorry for attacking me. I didn't know what to do, it would be amazing to get closer to a dragon but I was still creeped out. The dragon brought it's face closer.

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