Chapter 32

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Finals are here. One month until graduation, one month until I become a Wonderland dweller. One month until I become immortal. The days felt longer and one month seemed like one year. I wanted to go to Wonderland now, I wanted to go on adventures with my demon at my side while riding a dragon. Just the thought of it got me excited. I wanted to leave now but I couldn't. Right now I just had to set things right in this world.

"You're breaking up with me?"

My heart fell as I watched Akane, tears welled up in her brown eyes. How the hell did she come to like me this much, and why? I should have turned down her invite from the first day. It's sad seeing her like this.

"Why?" She asked.

"I..." What exactly am I going to tell her? I don't feel comfortable in this world again so I'm going to start living in another dimension? "I'm going somewhere far... very far... for college."

"So? I could follow you. We'll go to college together."


"Please Yuu-kun... I love you." She gripped my hands tight.

"I... Akane..." I sighed. "I can't do this to you, you deserve someone better and that's not me."

"Not you? How? You're amazing, unless you're saying you've been cheating on me." Maybe telling her that was a good idea. "Even if you are, I forgive you. Just tell me what attracted you to the other girl and I-"

"I didn't cheat." I stopped her. "It's not about cheating, it's about... Akane please don't make me say it." I didn't want to say it. Not the part about me going to Wonderland, but the part where I went out with her in hopes of forgetting Mika and Lacus. I did the one thing I told myself to never do. "You can't follow me where I'm going."

"If it's on earth then yes I can." She said.

She was making it harder, for me and for herself. "Akane please..." I begged. She had to understand, if she doesn't let this go it'll only get worse for her.

"Okay." She finally gave in. "I hope you're happy where you're going." She said and walked away.

I wanted to run after her, tell her I'm sorry but I couldn't. Letting her go was for the best, now I just hoped she would keep it to herself. If the school found out that I broke the Akane Hyakuya's heart, I'm dead.

A week passed and Akane never spoke to me since I broke up with her. It was for the best. I keep telling myself so I don't feel so guilty, breaking up was better than she waking up one morning and being told I was gone and she would never see me again. With her part done with, I focused on the next task; telling my parents.

That morning I woke up very early and prepared breakfast for them. I wanted them to be in a good mood when I make my announcement. My mum was the first to come into the kitchen, she wanted to get started on breakfast but was surprised seeing me there already taking care of it.

"Morning mum." I greeted her.

"Morning Yuu." She said. "Er.. What are you-"

"Making breakfast." I said.

"Yuu, you can't cook."

"I know, it's just egg and toast, nothing fancy."


"Just go freshen up then come back down with everyone else."

"Okay." She left the kitchen.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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