Chapter 6

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The madhatter, I've read about him everywhere. In all those story books, he was shown to be short, not attractive at all, and mad, very mad. But the man in front of me who claims to be the mad hatter was none of those things, he was beautiful. A drop dead beauty.

"Well?" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um..well..I-" I stutter, I had no clue what to say, it was so embarrassing.

He smirked. "It seems I have left you speechless."

Indeed he had, but I wasn't going to let him get the upper hand. "I admit it, I was wrong, you're a charming young man mad hatter, but I still stand on the part that you have an irritating personality."

He gritted his teeth in annoyance, looking at me with so much hate. Who the hell was this guy? And why did he hate me so much? "You are not fit to be a Wonderland, I hate you so much." He said.

What was he talking about now? What did he mean by that? Honestly, where did my parents get this idea from? Because in the end I still wasn't going to change my name, all this nonsense act would be in vain.

"Mika-kun." Yoichi tried calming him down because he looked like he was going to punch me any second. "Just try to relax, I know you're angry right now buy hating Yuu-kun is not the answer to this."

"I want him to die." Mika said.

DIE? Ok that was taking it too far, who was this guy? What had I done to him that made him so mad? Was it because I wanted to change my name so badly? What was his problem? Even at that, there was no reason to wish someone death. "What is the matter with you?" I yell. "I've only known you for about five minutes and here you are saying things like you hate me, you want me dead, what did I do to you, you maniac?"

"You've only just known me?" He smirked. "You were supposed to know me, ever since you were a child."

"What?" I asked.

"Mika." Lacus called. "What is your problem today? You didn't have enough tea this morning?" He smirked.

"Stay out of this kitty cat." He yelled.

"I am not a kitty cat." Lacus said. "Trust me Mika, you don't want to make this feline angry."

"Is that a challenge?" Mika drifts his attention from me and walked close to Lacus. "Kitty?" He smirked at him.

"I really..hate you." Lacus said.

"The feeling's mutual." Mika said.

"You two please behave." Yoichi ran into their middle trying to separate them, he really was a cute and sweet guy. "Don't fight, you'll make Yuu-kun feel very uncomfortable, besides you're in the palace, the Queen will not be pleased."

Hearing Queen, made me remember my being here, I was to meet this Queen who apparently, was my one way ticket out of this place. I needed to meet her, I needed to get out of this mad house and quick. "So, where is this Queen of yours?" I asked. "I really want to get home."

"Like I said Yuu-kun." Yoichi said. "You can't go home."

"Why not?" I yelled.

"Because." Mika walked up to me and poked my head. "You need to learn you moron, do you have any idea what you are doing to Wonderland? What you are doing to the Queen?" He frowned at him and clenched his fists, I was a bit scared, was he going to hit me? I hoped not, my eyes averted to Yoichi, I was hoping he could see the terror in them and come help me but he didn't. "Why didn't you die?" I hear Mika say and looked at him. He no longer had an angry expression but a sad one. "Do you know what your death will do for us here? Do you know how happy we will be again?"

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