Chapter 18

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"This is the place right?"

"Yes it is."

I sigh in relief and drop to the ground panting hard. Mika had just taken me through a maze, all in the name of getting to his home. We had finally arrived and I couldn't be any happier.

"You're tired already Yuu-chan?"

"BE QUIET." I yell at him and he laughs.  I look at his home which strangely was high above, it was shaped like a huge hat, very creative if I must say. "You have a pretty house."

"Thanks." Mika says as he grabs me and pulls me into his arms. We immediately begin flying, this was so amazing, I never thought I would witness a moment like this. It was like a dream, I was loving this place even better, high up I could see a wide range, the place was beautiful and so colorful.

"This is a beautiful place." I say. We finally reached and Mika stepped at the the front door of his home.

"It is." He said. "It's our home." He frowns. "But Yuu-chan is the only one who can stop it from disappearing."

I remembered then the entire reason I was here in the first place, the name changing and all. For their world to remain I had to keep the name wonderland.

"I'm sorry Mika." Yuu said. "I believe wholeheartedly now, well deep down I want to. This whole experience has been amazing, well except the knave of hearts part but other than that, I'm glad I was brought here. I'm glad I was a Wonderland and I promise I will never change my name if it means losing you all."


Mika's POV

I couldn't believe what Yuu-chan was saying. Finally! He finally believed, it made me very happy. I quickly grab his hands and push open the door of my home. Inside I pull him into my arms for a tight hug which he reciprocates by hugging back.

"Thank you Yuu-chan! That means so much to me." I said.

"I'm glad...." I hear him say. "I'm glad I came here.... I'm glad I met you all....even though you all annoy me most of the times, you're the closest I've gotten to friends."

I remember when Yuu-chan told us his name had made him an outcast, it was sad the way people behaved. How could they treat someone badly all because of a name.

"So I guess now I believe I can't stay here anymore." Yuu-chan says as we pull away from our hug. "Will your mother be taking me back anytime soon?"

"Yuu-chan doesn't like his name in the real world right?"

"I don't care anymore. It's just a name, true friends will come and accept it like that." He laughs. "I only hope to meet a girl who'll like the name as well to even like me."

Hearing that vexed me a little for some reason.

"Well there was a girl actually." He said. "She even invited me to her party, maybe when I get back I'll get closer to her and see what happens."

"Or you can stay here."


I didn't know when I had said it but I did, hearing Yuu-chan meeting an being with a girl made me uncomfortable. I didn't like it at all.

"You can always stay in Wonderland."

"That's great but.....i don't know if I want to live forever."

"Oh I forgot." I say. "Sorry Yuu-chan even if you did stay here you'd still grow old, you need an immortality spell to live forever."

"Well I wouldn't mind living life to the fullest. I wanna have kids Mika, kids that'll one day get to know about Wonderland, I just hope none of them is like me at first."

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