Chapter One: The Salt Queen Arrives

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The moon shines high over Iki Town, the stars glittering in the sky.

I sigh.
Iki Town is always so peaceful, but boring.
So unbelievably boring.

I groan, "Ugghhh! Could this place get any blander!?"

I love it when my voice echoes over the quiet town.
It only emphasizes how empty this place is.

I hear a loud sigh behind me and turn to find Litten, sleeping per usual.

"Could you maybe, oh, I don't know, stop whining?" He grumbles.

I scoff.
All Litten does is sleep.
I'm sure hearing someone complain is the only thing he's heard all day.

"So sorry to ruin your beauty sleep. You clearly need it."

His head shoots up, "Hey!" He says, leaping to his paws, "That's not true!"

A soft cooing noise sounds from above.

Flying in circles above us is Rowlet.
The goofy goofy Rowlet.
I really do wonder what goes on in his head.

Litten groans and covers his face with a paw, "Please. Don't let him talk."

"Rowlet!" I call up to him, "Litten wants to talk to you!"

Betrayal has never felt so good.

Rowlet stops midair and suddenly dives to the ground landing in a cloud of dust.

Before the dust even clears, he's running up to us, smiling and laughing.

Litten stares at him in disbilef, "You're so dumb."

Rowlet shakes his feathers, "No! Popplio scared me. It's her fault."

Because a Popplio is the most terrifying thing in all of Alola.
I'd be scared, too.

Rowlet cleans his feathers, "So, Litten, what did you want to talk about?"

Litten looks up at the starry sky, "Hey wait, we haven't seen you all day! Where were you?"

"I was following Kukui around." He says quickly, "There's some girl here that wants to be a trainer of something."

Oh, great.
There's nothing I love more than trainers.
How long until this one gets mad and sends me back?

"Aww...poor Popplio." Litten mocks, "Maybe if you weren't such a grump, people would keep you."

I shrug, "Pfft. I don't need a person to help me survive. The sea is right there and Primarina Island isn't far."

Litten and Rowlet give me unconvinced looks.

"Have fun swimming all of those miles." Litten says with a smile, "I'm sure Maui would be overjoyed to have you back."

Actually, I'm sure being sent back here would be better than seeing Maui again; he'd never let me out of his sight.

And wouldn't you know, here's the girl herself.

She's so short.

Apart from that, nothing really stands out.
She's got extremely short dark brown hair.

She's black.

That's all I got.

"Rowlet, how old is she?" I ask.

Rowlet spins his head around, "Oh! The new girl!"

Who else would I be talking about?

"She's sixteen, and her name is Miracle."

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