Chapter Thirty-Five: A Blooming Heart

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Nightshade's P.O.V.
No! What is she doing!?

Holly staggers; she looks about ready to pass out.

"Look! Look!" Wild Spark shouts, jumping up and down, "She's only got three legs! We should all call her Three-legs!"

The Clan laughs with her until Tidal growls at them.

Tidal turns back to her and smiles,

"Oh, what's this? Seems that little Leafeon does want to follow in her mother's paw steps."

He leaps down and walks slowly towards her.

I light up the area around her in pink flames.

I hear a loud groan from Isabelle and she comes running up to me with Leafeon.

"Why must you two cause so much trouble?" She grumbles while running away from Hawk Flame and Wild Spark.

We finally lose them on Primarina Island.

Isa decides to take us to a cave with blue glowing stones.

"We can stay here until they leave,"
She says, putting us down, "I'm gonna head to Turquoise Lake. Just follow the stones and you'll be able to find it."

"Wait! Can we come with you?" I ask her with a big smile on my face.

She stares at me in disgust, "Ugh. Don' like that."

"Can we just come with you?"

She groans, "I don't care."

I turn back to Holly, "Can you walk- oh, I think she went to sleep."

She makes some pained noises in her sleep, "Is she okay?" I ask.

Isa shrugs, "Probably not. Her leg is missing and she did kinda drag herself outside just to stop us from fighting."

She sighs, "It's like she thought she could fight Tidal."

She shakes her head, "Whatever. Just carry her and follow me." She waddles forward.

I set Holly on my back then run after Isa.

For a Primarina, she sure is fast.

Turquoise Lake is well, a turquoise lake!

It's located in a small cavern that I'm surprised even Isa saw.
A beautiful blue hue covers the area and fills it with a calm atmosphere.

"Here we are. The stupid ancestor's den."

She slouches and looks around disappointedly, "I don't understand what's so special about it. They'll probably just give me a rock."

She sets a white flipper in the water and almost immediately it turns to a greenish brown color.

She rolls her eyes, "Great. Thanks, guys. I get it, my eyes are different. No need to change the color of the water to shit brown."

The water changes back, as small blue pixies begin to fly around her.

"Hey!" She yells, clearly getting frustrated, "This isn't Disney On Ice, you guys. Maui could be dying out there! Can we hurry it up?"

They all let out shrill screams and fly all around the water; how tiny fairies can make a vortex of water is beyond me.

They all vanish as the water falls back down.

Floating in the air is a deep blue stone; Lapis Lazuli.

"A rock," Isa sighs, "They gave me a flipping rock. Why am I surprised?"

"But it's a pretty rock!" I say taking it from her, "It's Lapis Lazuli. It's a very rare stone, most associate it with the sea itself."

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