Chapter Nine: How to Train Your Mudbray

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"Well, Hapu, I don't think I need you to tell me how to do my job. I'm a professional."

This kids ego is baffling.

Miracle groans, "No, you're not."

"Well for starters," Hapu says, "The corral is dirty. There's a barrel there, some hay there... and I think little Mudbray here is a bit nervous."

Rudy's ears are moving around frantically and his tail is held closely to his body.

Y'know, I'd be scared too if some random kid decided to sit on me.
I'm gonna be nice for once in my life.
One Water Gun and Chase is off of Rudy.

Chase shakes the water off and glares at me, "Miracle! Your Brionne got me wet!"

Miracle shrugs, "Don't say or do dumb things."

Chase mumbles something under​ his breath before turning back to Hapu, "If the place wasn't dirty, how would he learn to see with his ears?"

I think Chase is sick.
He's saying all of these stupid things.
Did Rudy kick him in the head?

"He's blind?" Hapu asks

"Yeah." Chase mumbles.

What happened to all of that confidence?

Hapu smiles, "All the more reason to clean it. He won't be able to trip on anything that way"

Chase stutters, "Well, uhh... I have the Rockruff, she will help me uhh..." Chase trails off.

Miracle sighs, "I'm gonna be right back."

She limps away and returns a few minutes later with a black Furfrou.

"What's he gonna do?" Chase asks as she leads him into the corral.

She grabs Rudy's reins in an attempt to lead him over to Duke but he refuses.

After seeing this Duke decides to help her out.

He pads over to Rudy and slips his head into the reins, and leads him around the corral.

Miracle blinks, "How did that happen? He wouldn't let me lead him around like that." She limps over to the fence and leans on it.

"Maybe it's because he realizes how bad you are." Chase says.

"You're one mean kid." Hapu says before walking away, taking Miracle with her.

Who knew training a blind Pokémon was so easy!

"LARRY!" A voice shouts from the barn.

I decide to go see what all the screaming is about.

Tula is screaming at some blue eyed Pikachu who is currently sitting con the barn roof with Tiko, who looks more upset than when Tula made him mad.

I mean, he took off his fedora.
This is serious!
As serious as a Trumbeak's personal crisis can be.

He pushes the Pikachu off the barn, "You're not helping, Tula!" He yells.

The Pikachu lands next to me and sits up shaking his dust covered fur.

Tula turns to me, "Oh..hi, Isa." She sighs. 

"What's wrong? Is Tiko being a butt?"

She nods and crosses her arms, "Not even Larry could make him happy."

Larry smiles at me, "Hello." His voice is low and silky.

"Ok, who is this?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the suave Pikachu.
"He's the therapist." Tiko states

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