Chapter Three: Back To School

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Hau lost two times against Miracle but he's still happy as ever, "I lost, but I had fun battling you, Miracle!"

I'm glad he had fun 'cause I didn't.
Tiko got paralyzed and I embarrassed Litten twice.
Not exactly what I would call a fun time.

Hala nods and looks up at the sky, "It was a great battle, I'm sure even Tapu Koko enjoyed it."

A loud cry echoes above the town, Hala laughs, "Ho ho! You heard it yourself, Tapu Koko's song of approval!"

He walks over to Miracle, "I almost forgot to give you this." He hands her a white bracelet with diamond shaped indents in it.

"What is it?" Miracle asks, placing it on her wrist.

"It's a Z-ring. It can draw out the power of your Pokémon. We Kahunas make them by refining stones like the one you received from Tapu Koko. Although, you won't be able to draw out your Pokémon's Z-power until you collect more Z-crystals on your island challenge." He stops to think, "It seems Tapu Koko has taken a liking to you, or maybe it has a mission for you."

"All the more reason for you to get started on your island challenge," Kukui states.

"Island challenge?" Miracle asks.
This girl came here and wanted a Pokémon and doesn't know what the island challenge is?
What're you doing, Miracle?

"Four Islands! You will travel to each of the four islands in the Alola region. The goal of the island challenge is to be the strongest trainer, the island challenge champion. Woo!"

Hau smiles, "Sounds pretty great right? I can't wait to go on a real adventure!"

"I'll tell you all about the island challenge sometime later." Kukui says, walking away.

We leave Iki Town with some compliments about our battle, but of course, we can't quite leave yet.

"Miracle," Lillie says quietly

"Oh, hi, Lillie." She says happily until she notices how nervous Lillie looks, "Is something wrong?"

She looks down at her bag, and shakes her head, "It's about Nebby, I want to-"

Kukui waves to us, "Hey you two, I suppose it's time I get you back home."

Lillie nods, "Then I suppose this is goodbye."

"I thought you wanted to tell me something."

"Oh. Uh, I'll tell you tomorrow or when we met again."

She walks away and Miracle chuckles to herself, "Well, that was overly dramatic."

(Time skip to the next night because no one wants to read about going home.)
This night was great!
Miracle's mom, her name is Sadie, made us all breakfast, it was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten!

And because of that delicious breakfast, I'm in a somewhat good mood.
Maybe not but, it was a nice thought.

After that, Tiko and I did a bit of evening training, which is good for the Pikipek to burn off some energy.

Turns out, Miracle isn't a new trainer. Yet, she has no idea what an Island Challenge is.

Banjo is her Sceptile, her starter from the Hoenn region.

She told me she brought him here as a way for him to take a break from his other team members, which are all girls.  
Maybe Banjo needs more girls in his life, you never know.
As we come back inside there is another knock on the door, most likely Kukui. 

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