Chapter Forty-Six: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

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I dash through the forest.
I'm almost there... 

I finally make it back to the battlefield, where everyone is cluttered around Tidal Wave and Siren.

I push past them and slowly make my way up to them.
Because Kapua's mother apparently never taught him how to listen, he ran off somewhere.

When I make it half way, I look up and see Tidal Wave flicking the blood off his paw.
If he's so disgusted by it then why is he sinking his claws into everything that bleeds?
I push past more Pokèmon and finally make my up to Tidal Wave, Maui and Isabelle.

My heart sinks.
Everything instantly vanishes around me.
The only thing bringing me back is Pua calling for me.

"Mom, I-" He stops and stares in horror, "Ew..."

Outlander flies over to us, "Siren..." he whispers.
"It was supposed to be me..." She sobs into his feathers.

Everyone sits in silence until someone in the crowd cries out, "But the prophecy!"

Tidal Wave's eyes widen, "Wait, I killed Isabelle?" He shrugs and licks his paw, "Shame. I actually liked her."
"She isn't dead yet!" Pua yells at him.

"She will be soon." He turns to Maui, "Chin up, Maui. You still have your other daughter."

"Why?" Maui finally says, looking up from Isabelle's body.

"Oh, I was hoping you would ask me that. One word, Maui. Revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge."

"Revenge for what?"
"For leaving me for that Primarina all those years ago." He snarls, "I told you she wasn't worth anything; she was just a pretty face."

"But that was so long ago."
"Nice to know that you've forgotten."
He stands and flicks his tail, "For years, I've been thinking of ways to hurt you like you hurt me. Opal died and you didn't care. So, I had to find someone else to kill."
"Why couldn't you have just let that go!?"
"Because you were my only friend in this world. But clearly, that didn't matter to you. No. I was just someone to talk to. Just like always."

"Its not my fault you had a-"

Tidal Wave scoffs, "Love makes you blind. It makes you stupid. For all the dumb things my mother said about you she was right about one thing. You never really did care about me, did you?"
"I did until you murdered my daughter!"
Tidal Wave bares his teeth and growls, "I hope it hurts just as bad as when you broke my heart."

The silence is soon filled with gasps.

I hear a weak cough followed by some laughter, "gayyyy..."

Siren pulls away from Outlander and smiles when she sees Isabelle isn't completely dead.

Tidal Wave rolls his eyes, "Says the dying Primarina."

He waves his tail for his Clan to head back home. 
Pixie Cloud is sure to growl at me before she leaves.

Hawk Flame and Fawn Petal stay behind though.
Tidal Wave gives them a quick look of disgust before turning his attention to me.

He smiles and lies down on the rock, crossing his front paws over each other, "How does it feel, Leafeon? I've killed the two Pokèmon that meant most to you. If you ask me, I'd say I did good."

"I still have Kapua." I growl.

Too bad I don't believe that.
And he knows I don't.
He always knows.

He laughs, "She'll never be Nightshade. You have nobody left. How does that make you feel? Father to daughter; you can be honest with me."
I look into his eyes...and I can't stop the tears, "I'm not your daughter and you're not my father. You've taken everything away from me. I want to die...because of you; my own father."

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