Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Past Shrouded in Lies

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Trigger warning for mentions of rape
This song is literally my anthem.
Nightshades P.O.V.
I quickly wipe my eyes and turn to see Rudy standing at the entrance of the cave we are temporarily calling home.

For the past two weeks, we've been hiding here.
After we left, Prince started hunting us down.
Because of the large waterfall at other entrance guarding this place, he hasn't been able to find us.
Yet, anyway.

He trots over to me and sets a cream colored bag down at my feet, "I called your name, like, twenty times; what were you thinking about?"

I shift through the contents of the bag, "Nothing." I mumble, "Nothing at all."

He clearly sees through my lie, "Is it Leafeon?"

I sigh, "Thanks for bringing her up, Rudy."

He lowers his head, "Sorry." He plops down next to me and sighs, "It would really be nice if you told me why we're running from this Charizard."

I slide the bag back over to him and crawl over to a small hollow in the cave where our dens are. I curl up onto the soft grass and cover my head with my tail, "Because he's trying to kill us."

His heavy hoofsteps grow closer until they stop near my nest.
He settles down in the nest adjacent to mine, "He would've done that by now. Can't we at least talk about it," He pleads.

"There's nothing to talk about," I mutter, hoping that he'll give up and stop bothering me.

He scoffs, "Nothing to talk about? Ever since he showed up you've been acting all scared and weak." He pauses, "Hmmm. Did he hurt you?"

I roll my eyes, "He tried to kill us, what do you think?"

He shakes his head, "No! I mean what did he do to you in the past? When he showed up you-"

Rudy's voice fades as I remember all the 'games' we would play. That's what he called them. Every day was the same, I would wake up, help my sister then have Prince drag me away to play 'games'. His favorite was hide and seek because I always lost.

I shudder as the scenes keep on playing out in my head on a non-stop loop.

"Nightshade!" Rudy's voice slices through my thoughts.

I lift my head up and see the blurry image of Rudy standing over me, "Are you ok? You're crying....again."

I wipe my eyes, "It's the...wind; it's making my eyes water."

His eyes narrow, "Could you do me a favor and stop lying?"

I say nothing and roll over, my back facing his.

He makes a loud huffing noise but doesn't say anything, instead, he walks out of the cave, leaving me in the darkness of the night.

"Nightshade, get up. We need to talk." I open my groggy eyes and who better to be bothering me than Rudy.

"Talk about what?" I mumble, curling back up.

"You know what. I want to know why you killed Opal and why you're acting so weird. You said you had a reason for it."

"You saw."

"Actually, I didn't." His ear twitches and I chuckle in embarrassment, "Hehe, right."

Suddenly, the jungle comes to life with the sound of Pokemon crying out in warning.

Rudy's ears swivel in all directions before stopping at the entrance of our cave.

He turns to me and without warning throws me onto his back with his muzzle.

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