Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Secrets You Can't Hide

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Look! It's my art again! Yeah, I'm gonna be drawing my own art from now on. But, you're here for the story, not the art.

Lilo's P.O.V
Its been three weeks since that stupid flood.
Sadly, Miracle wasn't able to convince her father to sue Hershel.
It was funny to watch, though.
Now, she's been acting all rebellious and messing with the other horses as they train.
Stupid girl!
That's how you get arrested!
What's next?
A bomb!?

Starting off the morning just like any other day. Go down to the lake, get a drink, bathe and then eat some of the Bagon.
Soy Cómica.

I don't eat Bagon, or any dragon for that matter.
I prefer Wishiwashi.
¡Muy rica!

Everything has been fairly normal but one Primarina has been catching my attention lately.

Constantly talking to those by the name of Mufasa and Maple. Oh, and that Lapis.

Now, Maple is a name I know. Tidal's mate and my daughter in law. She was the only one out of the whole Clan that I could actually talk to without having the urge to rip their eyes out.

Apart from the Primarina talking to a rock and some dead Pokemon, Nightshade seems to be having a midlife crisis. I can't blame her though, I'm sure Kapua is on her mind, too.

I jump down off the edge of the canyon and decide to pay a little visit to Leafeon.

"Psst!" I try to get her attention from behind a large rock. These ribbons go everywhere, she should at least be able to see those.

"Abuela Lilo?" She slowly walks over to me, "Why are you down here?"

I flinch a bit and scratch my ear, "Ehh, your Spanish could use a bit of work."

She scrunches up her nose, "It's not my fault!" She playfully pushes me before sitting down, wrapping her tail around her paws.

I lick a paw and brush it over my face, "I need to ask you something, about the Primarina."

Her ear twitches and she tilts her head, "You mean Isabelle? What about her?" Her eyes are hazy, like she's thinking about something far away.

"Why is she talking to that rock?" I ask loudly.

She shakes her head and her eyes clear up, "Oh, that thing. She says it's Opal trying to tell her something. Something about revenge...on uhh, the one who killed her, I think." She looks up at the sky, thinking.

Every time she thinks hard, she scrunches up her face. It's gonna freeze if she keeps going.

I roll my eyes and scoff, rising to my paws.

She turns to me, concern written on her face, "Did I say something wrong?"

I smile warmly and place a paw on her head, "Nah. It's something else. Gracias, Leafeon. You can go now." I turn away, not waiting for a goodbye.

She blinks and takes a few steps forward before stopping, "Yeah....ok. You're welcome?"

I turn to her, "Wrong movie, mija." Then, I bound away

Back at my home in Tsunami Canyon, the new name given to this place after Tidal had his little temper tantrum.

I sigh and kick a large log away from my den, "Mi casa es muy disorganizada." I mumble to myself, staring at it with discontent.

A blue butterfly flutters above my head and I sigh, "Stupid Tidal, always ruining everything." Whining about it won't fix anything so, I decide to cool down at the deepest part of the canyon.

Once I get there I am greeted by Mi corazón, la piscina.

I wish.
Sadly, it's not a swimming pool, no. It's just a small pool that made it's home here.

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