Chapter Fifteen: Even MORE Filler (im sorry)

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(Nice song)

We make it to the ranch and Hapu is there; it's like she was waiting for him.

Hapu frowns, "Not again. I thought you were long gone!"

Mudsdale neighs, "Is that so, Mudsdale?"

She neighs again and points her muzzle at the Pikachu

She shakes her head, "That's a shame. Still stealing Pokémon, I see."

Miracle runs up behind her and grabs the grunt.

"Hey! Hey! No touching!" He yanks his arm away from her and rubs his wrist, "Jeez did you have to squeeze my wrist so hard?"

Miracle puts her hands on her hips and frowns, "Yes."

He narrows his eyes, "Listen. I'll give you this Pikachu."

She reaches for it, "Yo! Wait up! I'm not done talkin' yet. Beat me in a battle and I'll give you this Pikachu."

"Easy! I've beaten you tons of times. Isa! You up for a battle?"

I nod and stand tall next to her.

Drowzee grunt shakes his head, "I want to battle the Pikachu. It's only fair."

Tula walks forward and Drowzee grunt snatches her up.

"Haha! I can't believe you fell for that!" He drops the other Pikachu and runs away with Tula, as Pikachu dashes home.

"Good riddance," Torracat purrs,

"Won't ever have to hear her again."
Nightshade hits Torracat on the head with her tail then uses Dragon Pulse on the grunt.

Drowzee grunt falls to the ground and Tula shocks him, paralyzing him.

Talk about a quick solution to a small problem.

Now, what to do with the grunt?

"We'll tie him up to a tree if course!" Miracle says as she and Rudy tie him and Drowzee to a sturdy tree.

Hapu nods in agreement, "I like that idea! Miracle, you're a smart one."

Hau and Lillie chuckle nervously.

Miracle tightens the rope and the grunt gasps, "I-i can't b-breathe!"
She releases the rope and the grunt gulps in so much air that he starts to cough.

When he can breathe again, he orders his Drowzee to move the ropes, to which Rudy kicks the tree.

"Stop that." Miracle says to all three of them.

"YO!" The grunt yells, his voice scaring some of the Pikipek. "Are you gonna let us go or what?"

"No!" Miracle stomps her foot down, "You stole my Pikachu!"

Drowzee grunt smiles, "I was just joking around. I was gonna give her back. Why you gotta call me out like that?"

Miracle frowns, "I should be on the next island by now!" She face palms and groans, "You're gonna have to pay for wasting my time."

He gulps, "Yo, yo! Chill! We can talk this out!"

"Miracle, what're you gonna do," Hau asks, "If it were me I'd just give him some malasadas! I hear the best way to get to know a person is to give them some food." He looks up at the sky, "At least, I think that's how the saying goes."

Miracle shakes her head, "If I give him food he'll leave, and on the next island, he'll just bother me again. I need a better plan."

The grunt nods, "Deals! We can make a deal."

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