Chapter Twelve: A Desperate Dartrix

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(This has no relation but Lilo and Stitch)

We would be the best detectives if Team Skull would GO AWAY!

"Look! The Vulpix!" Drowzee grunt says. "And a Salandit. and that pipsqueak's Brionne!"

His buddy looks at him, "What're you waiting for? Get 'em!"

Nightshade is having none of it.
She stands in front of us and blasts them with a powerful attack.
They barely dodge it.

"Was that Dragon Pulse?" Drowzee grunt asks scrambling up off the ground.

"Not even Plumeria's Salandit knows that move!"

"Let's get out of here!"

Snowball wiggles her nose, "How do you know Dragon Pulse?"

Nightshade stands on her hind legs and smiles proudly, "I work hard to get strong! If you want to survive out here you gotta be able to beat anyone who gets in your way!"

She sounds like Undyne.
And an anime character.
Help her!

"Now, let's go find your Trainer." She says, walking ahead.

"Lillie isn't a Trainer." Snowball says running after her.

"To me, every person with a Pokémon is a Trainer."

Salandit asks Snowball to retrace her steps and no matter how hard she tries she can't remember.

So, we head back to Miracle.
"Isabelle? Is that you?"

Dartrix flies down the volcano. He's accompanied by Rockruff and Kukui.

"Well, if it isn't little Isabelle! And Snowball too." Kukui says with a smile

Snowball smiles as Kukui pets her.

"Isn't Snowball just the cutest?" Dartrix says as he tries to hold back a sneeze.

"Yeah. How did Lillie get her anyway?" I ask.

"Lillie offered to take care of her when she was an egg. When she hatched, the first face she saw was Lillie's. Isn't that just a cute story?"

I shrug, "I guess. So, tell me what's been happening with you?"

We walk over to the small shoreline across the volcano park.

We stare out at the sea. "Things have been nice. I hate to admit it but, I've missed Litten yelling at us every second of the day."

We both chuckle, I've also really missed all of those annoying Pikipek."

Pikipek are and always will be annoying.
Nothing will change that.

I laugh, "What about the moon rising in Iki Town. I really miss that. Iki Town had the best view."

"I miss it too, he says softly, "I miss watching it with you."

"W-what?" I stammer.
He still has that stupid crush on me!?
Its been five years, move on!

"It's true." He smiles and plays with the rocks in the sand. He doesn't look at me but I can still feel his eyes,

"When we watched the moon, we would just talk. Tell jokes, make silly bets, make promises. We would talk about our hopes and dreams, it was great!" He frowns, "I really miss that."
He kicks the rock into the water and watches the ripples.

"Oh, well, we're here now."

He turns to me and smiles, I smile back.

"Hey! I see you two lover birds!"
A Pikachu, Larry to be exact, stands on a rock out on the sea, waving at us.
Dartrixs' face turns a pale pink, "Lover birds? We were just talking!"

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