You Love Me Forreal? ( Chapter 4 )

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Rule#52; Friendship Is More Important Then You Think.

Dejan's Apartment

Kellan held Dejan in his arms as they made out. It was sweet, gentle and peaceful. Yet passionate and fiery. Kellan's heart was thundering in his chest. He stared into Dej's eyes and caressed his now swollen puffy lips.

"Told you I could see the future." Dejan blushed and lied down on Kellan's chest.

Pleased with the way his heart beat was strong and pulsing. Their hands entwined and held strongly together. This was something they could get used to.

"Do you think its possible to love two people at the same time?" Kellan kissed his fingers.

"Yes, I guess. I'm not sure how to answer that." Dejan tucked his hand under Kell's shirt and outlined his abs with his fingers.

"You love Milo." This wasn't a question.

"To death." He answered quickly. There's never no doubt about his love for Milo.

"But are you in love with Milo?" Kellan scrunched his face up. Dejan continued to make lazy circles across his chest. "It's okay if you are. I like Milo." Kellan pondered the question.

Was he in love with Milo.

"Am I in love with Milo?" He said aloud absently.

"I think you are." Dejan yawned. "I think it's okay to be in love with two people, as long as your honest about it." Dejan had soon fallen asleep. Kellan was still aloof at the revelation.

"I'm in love with Milo."


Rule#26; Play The Game Like Its Suppose To Be Played


"Let's do some trivia." Milo smiled as Aaron jumped from off the couch and sat down beside him.

"My favorite game." Aaron placed his wine down and sat up straight. "Is there a reward if I get all the answers right?" Ever the sly Milo, flirt first and break hearts later.

"Of course. Ready?" Milo nodded. "When is Kellan's birthday?"

"March 15th 1985. Pisces."



"Middle name?"



"Bradley & Karla Lutz. Great couple, they love me." He made a note to visit them soon. It's been awhile since they've spent time with his parents.

"Favorite hobby?"

"Anything that builds muscle. He's an athletic freak. But not health wise because McDonald's is his favorite."

"Favorite movie?"

"Ironically, the Predator Saga. But he loves the Ironman Trilogy. One Halloween he dressed as Ironman." Milo snickered at the memory that floated in his head.

"One last question. How did you meet?" Milo chuckled and smiled.

Aaron watched mesmerized as this love story unfolded. It was amazing that they both were so blind to each others love. They were the best kind however, because when they finally realize it. The sparks will be explosive

"About nine years ago. He had won this contest for being my number one fan."

"You were Rory's bad boy boyfriend Jesse on Gilmore Girls."

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