What Makes It Good ( Chapter 6 )

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» 2 Months Later ..

Rule#48; The Timeline Is Like Clock Work, It Keeps Moving.

The Trio

Milo threw his gym bag down, he stinked of sweat and a mean ass workout. 2 months ago, everything had changed. Changed for the better. He walked into the bedroom where Dejan was still laying on his stomach sleeping. He was suppose to be up 20 minutes ago when Milo called him before he left the gym with Kell.

"Dej!" Milo began to undress. "Dej! Come on get up pretty boy." Milo kissed his forehead, he started to stir. "Get up baby. You got an audition in an hour." Dejan groaned.

"I'm not going. You stink so moooooovvveee.." Milo chuckled. Dejan had never been a morning person like him and Kellan were.

"Your ass is going and I'm going take a shower right now. I look awesomely sexy naked with water dripping from body." Milo said.

Dejan lifted his head and opened one eye. He saw Milo completely disrobe. The muscles that creased his back on down to the chiseled butt and strong thighs. He was always fit.

"That's cheating!" Dej laid back down.

He heard the water begin to run. He jumped up wide awake now. He got naked and joined Milo in the shower.

"You know I'm weak when it comes to a naked Milo." Milo grinned and pulled Dej into his embrace. He looked so disheveled and sleepy still. It wasn't easy to resist.

"We got to be quick Milo." Dejan said wanting his lips to be on Milo's already.

"Yea right. You're just going to have to reschedule that audition pretty boy. Helps that I know the producers." Dejan began to stroke Milo's long hard already erect shaft.

"Helps that I know someone who knows the producers." Their lips met in a searing kiss. Kell was just going to have to be jealous he missed this hot shower later on tonight.


The Lovers

"I miss you." Aaron said as if almost whining about it. In which he was, because he was hopelessly in love with his boyfriend.

"I miss you too sweetheart." Jeremiah rolled his eyes as someone passed him in the hall in the hospital. The nurse quickly recognized him.

"They need you in the O.R Dr. Avery."

"On my way." He said automatically.

Jeremiah sighed into the phone. " I got to go sweetheart. Hopefully I'll get to see you later. Wait up for me. I have a surprise for you. I love your ass."

"Hmm. I love you more." Aaron hung up the phone with a child's grin on his face. You know the grin when a kid finally gets the piece of candy they've been waiting for all day. He grinned.

Head over heels in love with a heart surgeon, the irony. The hospital demanded time. That's what he signed on for. As long as he got to stare in those beautiful eyes and kiss those juicy lips and make love to a master of foreplay. He was happy.

He was happy as a dove taking flight at a wedding. He stared at the thousands of pictures of him and Jeremiah that they take daily. He would soon have no space for work. Professor Blake was happy as hell! He continued to work but grinned like a kid. Tonight his doctor had a surprise for him.


Rule#101; Regret Nothing & Take Everything.

The Office

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