Its Not Just About You Stupid. ( Chapter 7 )

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Rule#110; Don't Panic! Why Are You Panicking?


Adrien and Ricky were suppose to be enjoying a quiet dinner. Rick took that literally barely speaking throughout the evening. He pushed around his food and stared into nothing.

"What's wrong Rick? You've been quiet all day." Ricky nodded his head absently.

Adrien stared over him. He has been really distant and quiet today. Like he's trying assess or process something. He seemed void of something. It was worrying him now.

"I don't know I'm just .." Ricky sighed and sat his wine glass down. Adrien tilted his head slightly.

"What is bothering you Brown Fox?" Rick leaned forward dropping his voice a little. They were in a popular known restaurant, so a lovers quarrel wasn't an option right now.

"I think it's time for me to go home." Adrien sat his fork and knife down on the table not interested in his steak anymore.

"I get the feeling you're not talking about the condo we share." Ricky shook his head no.

"I've been feeling depressed. Like I'm not here, I'm not happy." He regretted what he said as soon as the true words escaped his lips.

Well that didn't just hurt Adrien to his core.

"I think we should have this conversation at home." Ricky saw the expression on Adrien's face. It's like his heart was breaking.

"AD, no no. I'm saying this all wrong. I'm making you think," Ricky grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly. "I love you. I want to be with you."

"But you are not happy." Adrien said quietly.

"Baby it's not that. I'm just homesick. I think it's time I go visit my family. I'm not happy because I haven't been centered." Adrien's face showed confusion. Ricky laughed softly.

"We should talk about this when we get home." Ricky suggested agreeing with him.


Cam's Condo

Cameron literally limped into his apartment. His body was so beat up you'd think he was rushed by a tank today. Sean was instantly at his side when he heard the quiet shuffling. He tried his best to be as quiet as possible not wanting to alarm Sean nor Justin.

"You need to take it easy Master Cameron." Sean stated as he helped him upstairs into the bedroom.

"My coach is only being hard on me because of that last match I had. He thinks I'm getting rusty. Now I have to prove him wrong."

"But Cam, you don't need them to validate how good you are. You don't need that coach." JT shook his head as he reached for the other side of Cam laying him gently down onto the bed.

"Mr. Sean is right. You don't need to prove anything."

"I'll get the ice." Mr. Sean stated, Justin nodded and helped Cam sit up onto the pillows.

"JT I'm so tired." Justin began to undress him. He could see more than too many bruises. His body was covered in sweat. That wasn't something good.

"Have you've eaten anything?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't remember." Justin touched Cam's forehead, burning hot. His face did look red and he was now beginning to shiver.

"What is it Cam?! Something's wrong."

Justin noticed these big red splotches beginning to form all over his body, almost like poison ivy with welts.

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