ʍʏ ℓιғə α ʍօʋιə. ( Chapter 16 )

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Sidestep. Roundhouse kick. Two right jabs followed by left uppercut.

Pause. Catch his breath.

Three left jabs. Block. Block. Rush in for the takedown, he's getting tired. Block.

Cam stared over at Justin in the cheering noisy crowd. They all waited for him to finish the match with his signature move. The man in all black sitting in the row behind Justin reminded him of what he was suppose to be doing. The gun was visible to his eyes that was pointed right at Justin's back.

Pretending to be distracted his opponent landed a sucker punch. Cam pretends to stumble, when really he was already prepared for it. Although the match wasn't for his title it was fixed nonetheless. He had two choices tonight.

Throw the match and lose out in his entire career, or watch as Justin meet his death.

It wasn't a trick question, so he had no trick answer. He let his opponent get off a devastating blow that should have knocked him out. If it's one thing he's decided, he'd never lose a match by TKO. It didn't, but he pretended it did. His opponent took the opportunity to get him in a dominate submission where he couldn't break out of it.

After his opponent was counted out enough time for the submission he let go and Cam prepared himself to lose the match as he laid there and waited to be deemed too disorientated to continue.

Once his opponent was announced the winner he sauntered over to his corner, his team of coaches fed up and yelling at him trying to figure out how could he have lost the match. He looked up towards where his mermaid was sitting. The man with the gun that was above him was no longer there, neither Justin. Now he began to panic.


Justin rushed to Cam's locker room to console his fighter after losing his match. Instead Justin was cornered by three unfamiliar guys. The all looked dangerous and intimidating.

"Tell that fighter of yours he did good. The Boss is pleased. But he isn't satisfied."

Justin caught the huge brown envelope in his hand as the guy threw it at him.

"Pass that along to your lover." Justin breathed a sigh of relief as the men left out the locker room leaving him intact.

Justin ripped the envelop open letting money, pictures, and papers fly around the locker room. He kneeled down picking up a picture of him in one of his classes. He saw a picture of him leaving the mall with Cam. He even saw a picture of him having some guy time with Chris and Dejan. He picked up a slip of paper that simply read,

'Your next match has been scheduled.

If you don't lose, you'll lose that mermaid of yours.'

- Ace

Justin panicked when he heard the commotion outside of the door. He quickly stuffed all the stuff back into the envelope. Cam came in slamming the door behind him. He face lit up as he saw Justin, rushing over to him pulling him into a hug. Then he saw the fear etched into Justin's face and glanced down at the envelope he had.

"Is this a joke?" He took a minute to decide if he wanted to tell Justin the truth or not.

"No." He said sadly.

"Cameron what is this?" Justin asked, his voice quivering with worry. He wasn't stupid at all and if he think this is what he thinks this is, he was scared.

"Six years ago when I was just a rookie fighting I made made some bad decisions. I used to throw fights for money. I felt like I had something to prove. But after awhile I realized that that's not how I wanted to be remembered, so I stopped. I fought the legit way. I became a UFC champion. That caught his eye and he decided that he wanted me to work for him again. I said no. I said hell no. I said hell no bitch! Then he goes and threatens your life. So I had no choice but to do it." Justin stood there frozen with a look of nothing on his face. He couldn't believe his ears right now.

"Am I going to die?" He asked. Cam crushed him in a hug.

"No! No one is going to harm you. I'm going to get you somewhere safe and finish this."

"I won't leave you."

"You're going to have to, only for a little while. I need to keep my mermaid safe. I promise on my life, no one is going to hurt you."

Rule#91; Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover, Duh. Read The Title First Dumbass.


"My Life A Movie" (Cam will do anything to protect his mermaid. When they threatened Justin's life, he had no choice but to throw the fight. What happens when he has to keep fighting, for Justin's life and his.)

Clubhouse Series, Book Five

» holy shit, I think I'm more excited about this book then the others. I might just make this book two instead of five. The suspense is killing me!



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