Cam Was Right, Rule#121 ( Chapter 11 )

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W A R N I N G.

Extreme Mature Content Ahead.

Read Rule#121 ( lol! )

[ Dedicated to XxsexycheesecakexX, her comments are the best. She's always excited about each chapter, & I love it that way! Thank you Darling. ]


An Exciting Evening ...

The Lake

"Cam stop fussing you are not going to drown." Cam held onto Justin's neck frantically and kept feeling like he was going sink.

"I'm going to drown. You're trying to kill me aren't you?" JT threw his head back and laughed.

Justin swam with Cam to the shallowest part of the lake. His back hit the base of the rock as Cam still squeezed the life out of him. He was really scared of learning how to swim. They never had the chance to get around to it. As soon as Cameron's feet touched the water everything became chaotic.

It took Justin an hour to get the guy in the water, another half an hour to get him to open his eyes, and another half hour for him to stop panicking about drowning. JT wasn't annoyed nor frustrated, he was patient. He loved the water and knew Cam would lose the fear of it sooner or later, especially with him around.

"I think we are going to call it day. Tomorrow you'll try more harder right?" Cam shook his head no. Justin frowned, but he wasn't really mad.

"I have an idea, just don't be so scared as much okay. I'm not going to let you drown." Cam nodded.

Justin took his time switching their positions, he placed Cam's arm onto the rock behind them stretching them out to secure Cam's position. Now he'd be responsible for his own death.

"Leave your arms there, and hold on. Do not move your arms Cammy. Do you trust me?" Cam nodded again, but he was still afraid of what was about to happen now.

Justin dived under the water and Cam began to panic only a little bit. Until he felt his trunks being slid down his legs. JT burst up out of the water throwing his white swimming trunks out of the lake onto the grass. Cam did see that coming. Justin smirked as his face half disappeared under water and his trunks soon went flying.

"Cam. You have to hold on. Okay?" Justin dropped below the water again.

Cam startled himself and almost dropped his arms when Justin's lips wrapped around his member underneath the water. He struggled at first holding on to the edge of the jagged lake. Justin was seriously giving him a blowjob under water, Cam was in so much awe. Justin ascended from out the water grinning like a maniac.

"Please tell me you just made that up in your head, because if you've given anyone an underwater blowjob, I'm going to be so pissed!" Justin smiled.

"Only you Cam." He confessed. "Did you like it?"

"My god yes!" With that Justin disappeared beneath the water once again.

Cam desperately gripped the rocks under his hand. Justin's mouth sucking him was enough to send him over. But Justin sucking him in such a fashion as this was too mind blowing to understand. Justin was enjoying the idea way too much because he was under the water for awhile. Cam reluctantly moved his arm and grabbed Justin out of the water pulling him up.

"You are so lucky I can't swim." Justin wrapped his arms around Cam's neck and begin hastily kissing him.

Cam held on securely as his mermaid took complete control and advantage of him. Justin turned around, he reached down and gripped Cam placing the hard piece of man inside of him. Cam's head fell back with pleasure. Justin stretched out his arms above Cam's as he began to move. The water around them made everything more pleasurable, flowing and splashing around them.

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