Wish I Had It. ( Chapter 14 )

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Liam calmly and politely took the bad news quite well, Dr. Herrin notified him that Adrian's condition was worsening. They would have to postpone the transplant process, he needed a chemotherapy treatment immediately. He even told Liam that if Adrian refused treatment then he would only get worser and that could result in his death.

Liam thanked Dr. Herrin, and made the decision for his lover. Adrian was definitely going to have the treatment, so they set him up to be admitted. They would start his chemotherapy as soon as possible.

Liam Payne composed hisself and walked into the room quietly. Liam took the opportunity to hug Milo as he stood to leave.

"Call me later Li." Milo smiled.

"Yes of course. Are you alright though. You seem sad." Liam was sad himself, so he knew the feeling.

"I don't know what's going on with me. I'll figure it out hopefully. See you later." Liam watched Milo leave the room.

He turned his attention on his sleeping Senator. Everyone thought he was perfectly composed and accepting of Adrian's sickness. He wasn't, Liam wanted nothing more but for his lover to be healthy and smiling that evil smile of his. Liam was going to do everything in his power to keep his man alive, even if it ended up killing him in the process.

Adrian has been making it clear to Liam that he doesn't want to fight this. He wants to let nature take it's course and let him die peacefully. Would Liam even be able to handle that. It was just too damn hard living without Adrian, and as much as Liam fought for him these past months, he intended to keep him.


Adrian's eyes fluttered open, he was lucky to see such a beautiful face as Liam's. He wanted to reach out and run his fingers across his young lovers face but he was too weak to even move right now.

Adrian wasn't pleased at all at how rapidly his condition was getting out of control. He knew he was selfish for keeping it from Liam, he was selfish for telling Liam, now he was selfish for letting Liam stay with him. Adrian Pasdar was tired, exhausted, and fed up with it all. If it was up to him he would lay down his life and die.

However Liam was not going to allow that. The determination that stained his face now spoke volumes, he was not going to let Adrian give up.

"I thought you were getting me ice cream." Liam chuckled.

"Yea right, you wish you could have ice cream right now don't you." Liam moved further over to the bed grabbing Adrian's hand in his.

"I wish I had you."

"You do have me, and you won't ever lose me. You are stuck with me I'm afraid." Liam kissed the older man's hand. "Please don't give up on me Adrian, not yet." Adrian sighed as he finally lifted his hand up to stroke Liam's cheek.

"I'm tired baby."

"I know, but I love you. I don't think I can do it without you, that's why I need to save you."

"Promise me something." Adrian had no doubt Liam would do anything for him. He's proved that he loves Adrian with everything that he has and more.

"Anything baby."

"If you can't save me, you promise me that you will continue to live your life. Promise me you'll continue to write, you'll find love, you'll be the best person this world has to offer. Promise to remember me, promise me you won't let my death break you. I don't want to break you again Liam." His voice took on a was of emotions.

"Your not going to die?" Liam said through clenched teeth.

"Promise me!" Liam struggled, Adrian saw the battle Liam was having in heart with this entire situation.

"I promise." Adrian smiled and Liam took the opportunity to place a sweet kiss on his lips.

"I'm ready to go home Li." Liam basically understood the meaning behind the phrase.

Adrian did not want the treatment. He was ready to die, and he didn't want to do it in the hospital.

"Will you take me home?" The weakness in his voice shattered Liam's defenses.

"Yes, we'll go home. I'm gonna take care of you." Liam knew he had just agreed to let Adrien die.

More than 3 hours passed and Liam had taken care of everything to get Adrian safely home. He talked to Dr. Herrin, calmly explained what was happening and why he was taking Adrian home. Liam was given everything he needed to know on how to take care of Adrian and what to do in the event of sudden complications he may have. AP was discharged, and he got his wish. He was going home with Liam.

Rule#112; If You Not In Your Right Place At The Right Time, Than You Are Going To Miss It.


"Wish I Had It" (Adrian's sickness will weigh Liam's shoulders down. Adrian has decided his faith, but in the following months can Liam change his mind and will him to live for love.)

Clubhouse Series, Book Three.

» special request. take a moment to go check out Jake; The Fallen Archangel. it'll be a short romance, but I think it's really good.



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