X ' 0 ( Chapter 5 )

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Rule#32; Enjoy It, Like They Seriously Say It May Not Last.


Aaron Blake, known as Professor Love around the campus and the school's favorite teacher. Everyone loved him and basically praised him. He enjoyed his life of teaching and learning. He held a class of maybe close to a hundred. Everyone wanted his class, everyone passed his class. It looked really interesting on a college transcript.

It was about 20 minutes into class, debating was high, everyone was excited and enjoying class. He had asked a question earlier and it turned into a really neat game. If you got an answer right, Professor threw you a mint oreo cookie. If you got it wrong then you got popcorned. If you really give a good answer , you got a red chocolate heart and extra points on your next paper. No red hearts so far.

"Why is it safe to play gentleman?" He asked his class.

"So you can get some head afterwards." The class laughed as that student got popcorned.

"You don't play at being a gentleman, you are born a gentleman." Aaron recognized the voice. Normally he knew everyone that was in his class. It was however confusing because more and more students were introduced to him. It was getting hard to keep up with them.

He then recognized that Dr. Avery was sitting in his class. He smiled quickly before anyone had noticed. He threw a cookie and Jeremiah caught it and ate it teasingly.

"So you're saying being a gentlman is a natural trait or characteristic."

"Definitely, but you can also be taught to be a gentleman. A real man knows better. He knows not to play with someones heart. It's constant and consistent though. I already know I'm going to hold the door open for you. I already know I'm going to carry your bags to the car. I already know I'm going to whup that bully's ass if he pick on someone else again." The class laughed. "It's natural."

Professor Blake gave Dr. Avery a red heart. His class had just gotten a lot more intriguing.


Rule#62; What Are You Struggling For? Embrace, Accept, And Live!

Cam's Condo

Justin yawned as he woke up in Cam's bed. It was a good thing he didn't have to work nor have any weekend classes. He seriously overslept. He felt for Cam who was interestingly gone. Instead his hands encountered a note. He picked it up and rubbed his eyes while yawning again. The note read:

"My eye is still a bit swollen so please excuse the messy handwriting. Unfortunately I couldn't wake up with you this morning. I had to get some things in order. I did watch your beautiful ass sleep though. You snore , really loud. We got to get you some nasal strips or something."

JT laughed and loved the way he implied that they'll be sleeping together in the future. That was clever. He continued:

"A really handsome old guy should be walking through the door. More than likely he heard your snoring stop. Lol."

He looked toward the door. A really handsome old guy did appear.

"Master Hartley."

"Good morning." Justin learned last night that Cam was filthy rich. Not because of his fighting royalties, but by blood. His family was one of the richest families in the country. He continued reading:

"Don't stare into his face directly. He'll just get more handsome and then you might leave me. :( Mr. Sean has all your instructions. Follow them or you won't find me in time. Aaaah! My life is in danger. Lol! Have fun!"

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