I'm Ready For Love ( Chapter 15 )

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Cameras flashing, paparazzi yelling out a horde of different outrageous questions, and a long red carpet. Adrien smiled and waved and did whatever he was suppose to do. He was at the premiere of his new movie Predators: Return to the Death Planet. He would have been excited if Daniel would have been by his side as his beautiful date and lover.

Adrien didn't want to hide their relationship no more, but Daniel insisted that Adrien didn't come out to the world just yet. It was sweet Daniel cared so much about Adrien's career but AD would be fine without acting. Their was a lot of other things that he could do. He was Adrien Brody for christ's sake!

'Brody over here!'

'Adrien why did you cut your hair!'

'Adrien smile over here!'

'Are you dating multimillionaire Daniel Sunjata!'

'Are you gay Brody.'

Adrien ignored them, he was use to it really so whatever they asked never bothered him anymore. He was however tempted to say yes. But that might only disappoint Ricky, so instead he smiled, posed, and waved like always. Adrien's brown fox was already close to the theater waiting on him. Adrien sighed, it sure looked like a long red carpet. He still had to find his co-stars and play around with them.


Daniel Ricky Sunjata's face was beyond red at this point as Michael Jai White continued to flirt with him. They hadn't been seated in the theater just yet and somehow Daniel was shoulder to shoulder next to the gorgeous actor. He was a fan, he has watched Blood and Bones plenty of times. Never Back Down 2 was definitely one of his favorites, and he couldn't wait until he finally got to see the new Mortal Kombat, Michael would be playing Major Jax Briggs.

As they waited patiently for the stars to finish their photographs and red carpet walk, Daniel stood obediently and waited.

"Did you know you have the perfect lips?" Daniel tried so hard not to blush but he couldn't help it.

"Are you still flirting with me."

"Harmless flirting." Michael gave his shoulder a shove. "You think I want Brody killing me. I'm just keeping you company."

"Adrien .. kill you. You have enough muscles to tame a lion without training."

"That is so flattering that you've noticed my body." Michael said teasingly. "I do like to tame wild animals." Daniel chuckled.

He could see himself being good friends with the actor. Michael Jai White wasn't as superficial like the lot of them were. He had a positive humor about him.

"How long is this going to take, I'm ready to go." Daniel concluded looking down the red carpet for Adrien.

"Awhile. That's why I got here early. So what's the story behind you and Brody? Gold-digger?" Daniel laughed out loud heartily gaining the attention of a few others around them.

"Why don't I feel insulted?" He really wasn't, Daniel was in love with Adrien, he really didn't care about any other accusations.

"Because you like me!"

"I'll make you a deal, I'll tell you our interesting story only if you have dinner with us tomorrow. Invite your other half."


Rule#78; Fellas There's A Difference Between Matrimony, Monogamy, & Misleading.


"I'm Ready For Love" (Oscar winner Adrien Brody is ready to yell at the top of his lungs that he is love with multimillionaire businessman Daniel Sunjata. Adrien plans to ask for his hand in marriage also.)
Clubhouse Series, Book Four


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