Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Planes were never my thing. I've never been in one, but from occasionally watching the news I could tell that it was a bad invention to begin with. I probably gave the stewardess hell and she was probably going to bad-mouth me for the rest of her life. I was a complete nervous wreck, asking her to bring me water constantly and almost fainting as soon as the plane took flight.

But it was all worth it.

When I stepped out the airplane I gasped at the scenery before me, it was absolutely astonishing. I heard and watched people talk about New York being the most beautiful city in the world, but to see it in real life for the first time could really knock a guy off their feet. 

Suddenly I broke out of my trance as a hard body pushed my shoulder and I tripped over my feet, almost falling over the small suitcase I had in front of me.

"Get outta da' way asshole". The person growled and flew past me in a quick stride. I scowled and regained my posture.

"Asshole!" I yelled back, but he was already out of sight. It was probably best to move out the way, because I was so distracted with the tall skyscrapers and the pungent scent of hot dogs - that I didn't notice that people from every angle were hustling and shoving to get to their destinations.

I reached for the handle on the pulley suitcase and tried to maneuver it around the crowd so that I could hail for a cab. It was a difficult task but I managed to wheel at the end sidewalk and watched as what looked like millions of yellow cabs honk and shuffle through the traffic. 

I extended my hand and waved - soon enough a yellow SUV cab pulled up in front of me and a bald headed guy with a large square face stuck his head out his window.

"Get in kid! I don't have all day". He yelled and I widened my eyes and hustled into the car with an apologetic look, pulling the suitcase - which took a while, and sliding into the beige leather ripped seat.

He turned his heard and I almost cringed at his face, it wasn't anything nice to look at. His eyes were beady, and he looked as if all he did was sit down and eat burgers for a living. 

"Where to kid?" He asked but it was more like growl. I adjusted the brown fedora on my head and tried to pick my brain for the address.

"Erm, I think East 89th Street". 

He gave me a flat look and I cautiously scooted back in the seat.

"You think?"

I could vaguely remember Jay say saying it was 89th street and I gave the driver a firm nod."No, I'm sure".

The driver sighed and turned around muttering to himself about 'stupid travelers'. I rolled my eyes and tried to relax against the seat as he violently twisted and turned the car, cursing and growling at the traffic.


"Thank you, sir". I said, paying him his money and then hopping out of the cab. I shoved the suitcase out the seat and closed the door, glancing around the urban neighborhood that consisted of only apartments. At least the traffic wasn't horrible, I thought to myself.

Sadly, even though my mother left me the apartment- I still wouldn't be able to pay it off on my own, so Jay did me the favor of telling one of her friends in New York that I had a free spot for a roommate. I hadn't actually met the guy yet, but from what Jay had told me, he's very trust worthy and could keep a place tidy. Oh, and he can cook.

I sighed and looked for the apartment named Fredericks Gale. There were a lot of apartments that looked alike but one stood out the most, instead of it having an expensive glass exterior design it was decorated to look like a tall brick house with arched shaped windows and a large wooden door in the front that read 'Fredericks Gale' in a type of Victorian font.

I sighed in relief and grabbed the suitcase, rolling it the brick staircase - with trouble, and stood outside the door. Then I reached in my pockets and pulled out the keys the Realtor gave me, shoving it into the knob and turning the lock.

First thing that I became aware of was the smell of pancakes and eggs. I breathed in, making the smell waft through my nose and my stomach grumbling in response. There looked to be about two flights of staircases, the Realtor told me an old lady stayed downstairs and me and my roommate would take the upstairs. 

I could vaguely remember my mother telling me stories about being in New York as a teenager and experiencing the life as a ballet. She would tell me stories about meeting dad for the first time when she was in her performing arts school - and living in this apartment. After awhile, she and dad decided to buy it from the landlord, promising to allow a tenant to live on the first floor - I guess that's where the old lady came from. She told me how they moved away to Denver because of dad's promotion, and there was where I was conceived.

I missed her. So much. My mom and I always had a loving relationship, she was kind and funny, but... sometimes she looked sad like something was missing from her life. And I never understood what it was. Tears sprung to my eyes as I remembered her laugh and joy that was always presented on her face for the world to see and smile.

A door slamming broke me out of my thoughts and I raised my hand, swiping my hand over my eyes, scolding myself to get it together. This was a new beginning for me, and even though my mom died a horrible death, I knew she was going to a better place.

I took a deep breath and looked up the stair case, immediately noticing someone coming down. I tensed and shifted my legs, this was probably the new roommate. First thing I noticed was the wild dark curly hair, then it was the big smiling sea foam green eye - almost like mine, as he looked up at me startled. I gave an awkward wave, trying for a polite smile.

"Hi, I'm Riley." Suddenly, his face broke out in a grin and he ran down the stairs, running towards me in quick strides and wrapping his long arms around me.

"Oh my gosh, its so nice to meet you finally".He said, his voice sounded smooth. I shifted uncomfortably in his arms and chuckled nervously.

"Nice to meet you too?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and held me out in front of him. He eyes looked even bigger and pretty when he was up close and  he was about my height maybe two inches taller so I had to tilt my head slightly to stare into them, as if they were commanding me to.

"You're exactly how JayJay described you. You're freaking gorgeous." JayJay? I grimaced at his compliment and tried slipping out of his hold, but he only held tighter.

"And you're shy! God, I just want to put you in my pocket and keep you forever!". He said and I widened my eyes. This guy is crazy, how the hell did Jay find him. He was really huggy and flamboyant...and a lot of other things that I probably needed to keep me leveled out. 

"Ok ok ok, no more hugging". I said and he reluctantly pulled away, although, his eyes were still wide and scaredly striking.

"Sorry, come come, lets go up upstairs". He was already picking up my suitcase and trudging it up the stair with surprising ease. 

"Oh, I'm Christopher by the way!". I stood in the same place for a while, still trying to figure out what just happened. After a moment, I sighed and walked up the stairs, thinking.

How am I going to survive here?

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