Chapter 5

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[Not edited]

Chapter 5

The warm body spooned behind was what woke me up from true deep sleep that I was placed in. My eyes widened of realization and my face grew hot in rememberance, not to mention the heavy ache that surrounded by ass and back.

Shit shit shit shit.

Sliding my gaze to the sleeping form beside me, I discreetly checked out his face and instantly remembered the perfect blue eyed man from my dream. Or reality. The warm heat he provided my body was comforting and I didn't want to move but I knew he wouldn't want some random one night stand still here after he already had his time.

I shouldn't have even slept over and I already overstayed my welcome. I reminisced in the warm heat for a couple more seconds before I carefully removed his arms from around my waist and slid out the bed, searching around for my clothes.

"Crap."I whispered when I only found my boxer briefs and decided I'll just go down quickly to my car without being seen since it was relatively early in the morning and no one would be actually awake this hour yet, then I could run to my car-"

"Shit." I face palmed myself and almost punched myself when I realized I had no ride home and had no idea how to get back either.

With my back faced to the bed, I winced as I pulled up my boxer briefs on my aching body. I'm so freaking stupid who the hell ditches their friends with a guy he doesn't even know then-

"Are you okay?" I almost jumped out of my skin as the deep voice sounded behind making me forget the inner monologue I was giving myself.

I spun around and faced the most handsomest man I've ever layed eyes upon, even in his morning state look. His black hair was tousled and looked like he just had wild sex and the stubble he was sporting was even more of a turn on that anything else. Matter of fact, scratch that, the naked body completed the look and made my mouth water.

I watch as his lips twitched and I shook my head, cleaning it of all dirty scenarios with the handsome man that I could think of.

I shifted my foot from left to right and crossed my arms over my chest, avoiding his blue gaze. I didn't need him to see that he effected me, there was no need to help his ego after I just gave him my virginity and openly ogled him.

"I'm fine.. I just need my clothes and a drop home. I think I've overstayed my welcome."

"Hmm..."He said and is it weird that I just had the urge to knock all his teeth out. The guy was conceited to no belief and I can't believe I would give myself to such an asshole.

"You know what, never mind". I said quickly and looked around quickly for a piece of clothing. I grabbed a button down shirt from the floor and put it over my naked body. It was obviously his because it feel a little above my knee.

"You're hot in my clothes". He said finally and I narrowed my eyes and controlled the temper that was rising from the pit of my stomach. I don't know what started it, maybe it was the fact that I gave my virginity to a stranger or the fact that I was idiotic enough to leave my roommate at the club-

"Double shit!" I gasped and he stood up quickly as I almost tripped over a belt buckle on the floor in my haste to find the door.

He grabbed my elbow and my back found itself to his front and I could easily feel the hard heat placed between the dent I my spine.

"Calm down babe. Relax." He whispered in my ear and stroked my hair tenderly, fingering each lock. On its own accord, my hear rate dropped and I found myself breathing more easily.

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