Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My head felt like nails were being pierced into it. Where am I? I blinked opened my eyes only to be startled by the glaring fluorescent lights. Where ever I was, it smelled like bleach and lemons. The smell tickled my nose and I groaned as a sharp pain erupted in my stomach.

I whimpered and my eyes adjusted to the room which apperently, was a hospitals. My mouth felt dry and my lips were chapped. I tried to lick at them only to realize I had no amount of moisture on my tongue. I looked around and the walls were white and an IV was attached to my hand. I frowned at the whole assemble.

Suddenly I heard a russle in the corner and Rain stood up from a chair -hidden by the door- and yawned awake, glancing at me with concern in his eyes. His hair was rumpled to shit and he looked pale and depressed. "You okay?" He asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up.

I sighed and turned on my side facing him. It seemed as if the weight of my stomach moved right with me, and I had no choice but to shift back. Rain walked over to the bed laying an hesitant hand on my forehead. "I should get the doctors." His hands were cold but somehow it only seemed to warm my burning body.

"Please." He nodded and pressed the assistant button by the side of the bed. "You're gonna be okay." He whispered and I closed my eyes sighed in content as he stroked by throbbing forehead.

It took about five minutes for the attractive brunette doctor with a white coat to enter the the room with an apologetic look on her face.

"Sir, I apologize for my tardiness. "Im Dr.Stanley. Are you-" She glanced at Rains hand on my forehead with a raised eyebrow and he frowned and pulled it away, as if he didn't realize what he was doing. She cleared her throat. "Are you in pain at all?"

I looked at Rain with a curious glance because he was just standing there staring into space."I'll go reassure Tony, Saphire, and Christopher that you're okay." He mumbled and I nodded. "Be right back".

I focused my attention back on the doctor. "My head feels like someone's playing drums in my brain and my stomach feels as if an elephant is sitting on it."

She nodded and pulled out a pen, jotting down notes on a paper. "Well Mr. Oconner, while your were unconscious we ran some tests and on your blood and it seems to be fine, a little spike in your levels, but we chalked that up to just occurring because you just left an amusement park. But then your erm...your friend Mr. Philips-"

"Mr. Philips?"

She nodded. "Yes, his first name Rain." I had my 'Oooh' moment and she smiled gently.

"Well he told us you were having abdominal pains and for safety precautions we decided to take some test and we found something quite unusual.."


What could be so unusual about my stomach, I probably ate a bad burger or something.

"Unusual? Is it something really bad?"

The doctor suddenly looked uncertain and it just made me even more nervous."Well it depends how you look at it? Because we ran several amounts of tests on this just to be certain.."

"Would you spit it out." I snapped and she sighed and squeezed her hands together.

"Mr. O'Conner I think you may be pregnant."


That was all I heard for the ticking seconds that passed by. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop and my brain seemed to stop monopolizing thoughts.

I would have laughed at the situation but I couldn't find any humor in it. A guy pregnant? Maybe I was born a woman and had a sex change when I was younger but something went wrong. My brain started working again and all the possible causes started rumbling in my head. Or maybe she was lying and Christopher was playing a joke on me.

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