Chapter 33

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A:N/ It's been a long road but this is the LAST CHAPTER before the epilogue. Thanks for reading guys :) Don't forget to comment and vote, it's must appreciated.

Chapter 33

Riley's POV

Theodore's tiny body jumped and eyes widened in fear as the doorbell rang all the way from downstairs to our room, startling both of us. I stood still in alarm as the toddlers lips started to quiver and eyes glossed over, a tell tale sign that he was going to start crying like a banshee.

"Shh shh, come on Teddy. It's only the doorbell, no need to be scared." I bent down and lifted him into my arms only to hear the sudden loud wail directly into my ear.

"Crap." I cursed, trying to coax the baby to quiet down. I ran my hand in circles around his back as his wails continued loudly and soon enough my shoulder was soaked with Lord knows what. I sighed, placing my hands firmly under his behind before I carefully walked down the down the stairs to get the door.

The doorbell rang a couple more times before I finally reached it and by this point I'm sure the whole neighborhood could hear the little guy.

I yanked the door open only to see Christopher, Rain, Tony, and surprisingly Rune at the door. They all looked a bit petrified at the screaming baby in my hands.

"Jesus cupcake, what did you do to him?" Christopher said, walking in as I stepped aside. They all follwoed behind him.

"You guys rung the doorbell." I narrowed my eyes, closing the door behind me.

"The house is beautiful, Riley." Rune spoke up over the noise.

"Yeah, it's soooo big." Tony countered as he looked around with big eyes. Rain and Christopher were the only ones that saw the house because they were helping with the nursery.

"Thanks, guys. Anyone want anything to drink?" I asked, still rubbing Theo's back. It must have helped or his throat was tired because he's finally reduced himself to little hiccups.

"You got beer?" Rain asked, strolling into the kitchen.

"Yeah, help yourself." I followed

"I'll just have what he's having." Rune said.

I shifted the baby in my arms, trying to reach for a baby wipe on the counter to wipe his face. We've made it our duty to place it on every square inch of the house because Theodore was always making a mess.

Yanking one out of the box, I pulled Theodore off my shoulder and inwardly cringed at the mess on his face. His eyes were puffy and his lips were still quivering, my heart clenched.

"You okay now, Teddy. Hm?" I spoke to him, wiping his face thoroghly.

"He look's like you." Rain said out of nowhere and both Theodore and I swung our eyes to his direction. Theodore looked at him skeptically while I only smiled.

"Nah, only the hair." I threw the napkin into the nearest bin. "He looks more like Jason."

Rain shrugged, taking another swig of his beer."I don't see it."

"I'm going outside to the backyard. Who else's coming?"

Tony's ear's seemed to perk up. "Me! I didn't bring my swim trunks for no reason." He then proceeded to walk ahead of us while I chuckled.

Today the sun was shining and the weather was warm being that it was the beginning of spring. Not necessarily pool weather but whatever floated Tony's boat. As long as he didn't freeze to death.

A nice cool breeze wafted my hair and I watched as Theo bristled a little, cuddling more into my arms.

"Crap. I should probably get him his wind breaker."

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