Chapter 25

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Sorry for the late in the night chapter guys. I've been at the movie theatres all day, watched like five movies, and literally just got home to edit this up a little. Probably needs more proof-reading but I promised every saturday it is.

Pic on the right Of Jason>>

Chapter 25

Jasons POV

"All this fucking work," I grumbled into the phone, as I looked over the prices of vacant lands over the city. I glanced over at the side, looking grudgingly at the huge stack of files awaiting to be opened.

I heard the ever loving sweet caress of Rileys laugh voice through the phone. "You're the one who decided to practically take two weeks off work. What did you expect?"

I huffed, closing the file on the grassy and rubbish looking land that obviously had no potential. "Whatever. How's my son doing this morning?" I smiled.

 There was a pause. "He's fine.. I'm sure. Very quiet . But, I've got an appointment two weeks away,"

My brows furrowed, as I looked up to see the elevator door ding. I watched as the numbers lit up, slowly approaching to the last floor.

"Hold up, babe," I said absently and clicked over on the in-com, forwarding to the front desk.

"Jessica, who's coming up the elevator? I told you I'm full today," I asked firmly.

"Oh! sir, your fian-" She started at the same time as I looked up only to see the elevator doors open, and the woman that I loathed with everything beneath me, steppping through them.

A long stream of curses fell out my mouth, not aware that I still had Jessica on the line. The last thing I heard was her  horrified gasp before I ended the call.

"Jason?" I heard Riley's voice as I lifted the cellphone back to my ear. "Jason, what's wrong?"

I furiously glared as the witch took sure steps towards my office door, her red heels clicking loudly against the marble floors.

"Nothing, nothing. I'll call you back later, okay?" I said quickly.

"Jason tell-" I hung up the call and I had to fight the guilt that tugged at my heart when I clicked the end button.

Although, the rage I felt when I saw her tall figure smirking behind the locked glass doors was enough to pummel the guilt I felt. I stood up quick, the chair falling back harshly behind me as I stormed over to the glass doors, a feeling of pure hatred radiating through my body.

I paused, my hand clutching tightly at the lever, and I stared. I watched as her smirk grew wider, her blood red lips shining starkly against the light blonde of hair. I couldn't help but scowl at the sight.

With a low curse, I yanked open the door. "What the fuck are you doing here, Caroline?"

She gave a playful frown. "Oh come on baby, don't you miss me?" She teased, her hand reaching out too stroke my chest but I was too quick and grabbed her wrist tightly. It was sad to say but I kind of reveled in the slight wince that flashed on her face, but then it was gone. In replace, was a look of seduction as she slimed her way closer to my body.

"Like it rough don't you?" She purred, her chest suddenly coming in firm contact with mine.

I immediately scowled and released her wrist. In turn, she rolled her eyes and maneuvered herself around my body, stepping fully into room. I looked daggers at her as she slowly swayed her way over to my desk, making herself comfortable on top of it.

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