Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I stood in the doorway of my new apartment and gaped. This place was the epitome of classy and modern combined. I'm pretty sure the modern part was added by none other than Christopher himself. The room was large with white walls and beige furniture setting, this was probably the living room, there was also a set of stairs leading up to what I guess would be the bedrooms.

Although the room and it's expensive looking furnitures were gorgeous, it was the painting hung up on the walls that caught my attention. I relatively have an eye for art and when I was home, I made sure to have some art pieces adorned all over the walls. It was something about the way it made the room look brighter, as if it was the light to a dark room or a star in the night sky. It life, I lived for it..

I stepped into the room and walked directly towards the painting. Whoever put the paintings there, had a real good eye because they were stunning. My favorite would probably be the one that displayed a beautiful starry night sky and a little boy staring up at it in wonder and amazement.

"I see you have an eye for art". Christopher said suddenly and I started. I didn't even realize he was watching me, much less behind me.

When my heart rate finally slowed down from the sudden scare, I turned around and faced him.

"Yeah, I love art." I smiled. "It's so...peaceful and serene." I didn't know if it made me sound like an art nerd, but I didn't care.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But you, sweetheart, you look like you live for this stuff. The look in your eyes when you saw the paintings, it couldn't have been drawn if Da Vinci did it. You paint too?"

The statement startled me and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks."Yeah I paint and draw and do all those other things, it's a passion I have."

"And it's ok to have a passion honey bunches." He said and came over to me, suddenly wrapping a long arm over my shoulder and steering me up the stairs. "Now, lets go show you the room then I can go cool something up for us".


"So, you got a boo back home?". Christopher said looking at me over his shoulder and winking. I sat back lazily in the high stool and watched as he bent over to stir the delicious smelling food in the pot. The scent of the spicy chicken stir fry was getting to my head and after a moment, I finally realized he asked me a question.

"A boo?" I asked to be certain that was what he asked.

"Yup, do you have a boo, boyfriend, lover, fuck buddy, whatever you wanna call it?" My eyes widened and I felt heat rush straight to cheeks. I nervously folded my hands together on the marble table in front of me.

"Nope...I have no..boyfriend". I stumbled out pathetically and he spun around - pot spoon in hand, and gaped, his green eyes sparkling with realization.

"Your a virgin aren't you?" And on cue,my face turned nuclear and his face broke out in a grin. He clapped his hand, jumping up and down as if my virginity was something special to be congratulated.

I wasn't exactly waiting for true love or whatever cliche spontaneous thing people usually waited for. No, I just..wasn't ready. No one has exactly caught my attention, and I'm not the most social person to hang around and talk to, so the interaction between me and another male would be awkward and..weird.

Maybe I was looking for true love.

I sighed and rubbed my hot cheeks, willing them to cool down. I glanced at the grinning male and frowned.

"How'd you guess?"

He rolled his eyes and turned towards the stove, stirring the food a little then turning the heat down.

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