Chapter 29

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A/N: I love your comments guys. Even though sometimes it only a few, but I'm still grateful for it, it let's me into your heads a little :)

Chapter 29

Jason's POV

To say the least, my nights were shit. No matter what I tried I could not fall to asleep, even knowing that Riley was still in my arms. The nightmares that I had frequently been getting had at first been mild where I would just wake up sweating and jostled but then it grew worse. Worse enough, that I had to remove myself from Riley and I's shared bedroom because I was squeezing the life out of him at night, trying to protect him from something.

Protect them from her.

The nightmares had been gruesome, the image always playing back at my head with the gun pointed to Riley's head and then his stomach but this time in my dreams she had pulled the trigger and I had stood there restraint watching as she took away the love of my life. These nights were so frequent that my eyes would refuse to shut, which in turn affected my work in daytime hours. It was frustrating too because in the during the day that was the time I really needed to be awake, trying to sort out with my lawyer concerning the case.

My mother had been ringing my phone off too, a sign that she was worried for my own sake, but I ignored it; the only peace I was getting was when Riley was in my arms and I could feel the baby kicking around.

It had been a real wonder that day, and I had stood there in so much adoration for the man that my heart threatened to squeeze me to death.

Walking into the bedroom almost butt naked with just a towel wrapped around my waist, I watched as Riley munched on a bag of tropical flavored Skittles. His feet was sprawled even though he was only wearing a baggy sweatshirt that formed tightly around his protruding belly and a tight pair of briefs that reached just below his ass. Although in this position, I could vaguely see the gorgeous creamy flesh peeking out of tight underwear. I immediately felt my cock stir and twitch against the thin towel.

When he finally looked away from the tv, he caught my, most likely, dilated eyes fixated on his ass. And probably the raised towel too. I reveled at the pink that soon stole the normal hue on his face.

"What?" He asked looking away bashfully, popping another skittle in his mouth.

I walked towards the bed. "Did I ever tell you how beautifully sexy you are." 

"Once or twice." His face seemed to get hotter the more I moved towards him like a predator to it's prey.

Near his warmth, I pulled his face closer to mine pecking chastely as his plump pink lips. He easily wielded to me as if he couldn't resist and I too felt the gravitational pull that refused to let up stay apart.

Until suddenly he pulled back with a sharp gasp and his hand flew to his stomach.

My mind instantly went into alert. "What happened? Is it the baby?"

His eyes were wide in shock and his gaze flew to mine. "I-I-t think..ouch". He winced again and then he started to laugh as if in wonderment, meanwhile I stood there flustered by his outburst.

"Oh my God, Jason. He kicked! I felt him!"

My breath caught at his words and I stood there dumbfounded in awe as he grabbed my hand an pressed it against his stomach.

"I don't feel...Holy shit!" My eyes widened and I could suddenly feel the stern kick against my palm. Riley eyes were squinted as he giggled at my reaction.

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