Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

My eyes crossed and body tingled in glee as I wrapped my lips around the spoon of Pistachio almond ice cream. My body practically hummed in delight and through the corner of my eyes I saw Christopher's face pull in a smirk.

"Told you." He sing-songed.

I retracted the spoon from my mouth and then went in for another. "I've never tasted - anything, so freaking good in my life." I moaned out.

"You should always listen to me, cupcake. I always know best." He replied, his gaze going back down to the phone that was consistently beeping every minute or so.

"Why don't you keep you phone on vibrate or something?" I frowned. "That stupid beep is getting annoying."

Without looking up he said "Because vibrations turn me on."

My face twisted up at that. "Ew, Chrissy. Tmi."

He shrugged. "You asked."

I shook my head, still amazed at how comfortable I've grown with Christopher over the past weeks. He'd been so helpful, and I've been grateful for the help especially with the morning sickness that tackled me a couple days back.

He had immediately rushed to my aid, pulling hair back when I kneeled at the toilet puking my heart out, and running to the store to buy me some ginger tea, even if he loathed the smell of it . And honestly I couldn't ask for a better roommate than that, especially now.

It has only been two days since I've spoken to Jason and we had come to a mutual agreement that we would try this out and he would do anything in his power to get rid of...his fiancé. We hadn't text or anything because he was away on a buisness trip or whatever.

I sighed, leaning back heavily on the soft chair. I still couldn't believe he had a fiancé the whole time he was with me. Which was only one night, but still, - he slept with me. I don't want my baby to come into the world without knowing who helped create him/her but... I have a sick feeling that Jason wouldn't accept the baby. Sooner or later I would have to, but the fear still lingered and hopefully after spending time with him I could make the decision on if I wanted him in me and my child's life.

"What's got you thinking hard, cupcakes?" Christopher's voice snapped me out of the deep thoughts that currently had my eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh. Oh, I'm just thinking..." I trailed off because I didn't even tell Christopher about the encounter and discussion two days ago. I didn't know why I didn't tell him, probably because I've been in my head these few days, but now that it's brought up I might a well tell him.

"I ran into Jason the other day." I breathed out and watched as tensed and placed the phone down on his lap. His gaze completely focused on me now.


"And, we talked. About things." I replied, pulling my legs off the floor to cross them in the chair. I unconsciously placed my hand on my stomach.

"What kind of things, Ri?"

I exhaled and went on to tell him about the conversation, detail by detail. His face expressions almost made me giggle one time during my speech, what with the way it kept changing from appalled to happy and then rage to happy again.

Finally he shook his head and sat back, his gaze averted from mine. Now I really didn't know what he was thinking.

"So basically you're saying, he has an arranged marriage with a evil witch and he wants to have a relationship with you." At my nod he huffed and ran a hand through his mop of curls.

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