Chapter 24

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Short chapter, but I had a little extra time so I thought I'd spend it writing a little bit. 

Chapter 24

I huffed frustratingly as I re-combed my hair over again, laying all of it on my forehead. 

"Goddamn. Stupid. Hair." I growled, messing it up all over again. I watched through the mirror as Jason peeked his head through the doorway, an eyebrow raised.

"Okay in there?"

He glared at him. "Leave me alone. I'm busy." I snapped and opened the cupboard to take out the gel. I silently cursed Jason as he strode into the bathroom, hair perfectly gelled back.

"Why are you fussing babe?" He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I'm trying to look good for your mother,Jason. I don't want to give her another reason to hate me. If I go out there looking hideous she's probably gonna guess that the baby is gonna end up ugly and I'm gonna-". I ranted until I was interrupted by Jason's hard laugh.

His eyes squinted as he chuckles got louder. "W-what! Riley what the hell are you talking about?" He said through his snickers.

I turned around and pouted at him, my arms folding across my chest. "Why are you laughing? This is very serious, Jason". A part of me was kind of in awe at how beautiful he looked when he laughed, his dimples formed perfectly and teeth gleaming white. But the other part of me wanted to kick him in the shin for laughing. I was being completely serious.

"Okay okay." He breathed and gave a couple more snickers until finally he dramatically wiped away a tear. "Babe, you're going crazy. You have absolutely nothing worry about, my mother is going to love you."

"No she's not Jason," I whined. "She's going to freaking hate me. I'm pregnant with your child for godsake and you haven't even told her yet."

"Riley, look at me." He said softly, and I looked down to the floor defiantly.

I heard him sigh before he moved closer to me and picked my chin up, effectively making me looking right into his stormy eyes. 

"You'll be fine. I've never seen my mom give anyone the cold shoulder. Well except if you count when I was in second grade and I was being bullied." He chuckled at the memory. "She made sure it didn't happen again."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," He confirmed and his face lifted into a smile as he lifted a hand to comb his fingers through my hair.

"You don't even need gel. Your hair is so wavy and thick all you need is to wake up like this and you still look gorgeous. My hair takes more than ten minutes." He joked and I hid my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around his firm body.

His words brought comfort and reassurance to my head. I was merely nervous and fear kept creeping into my mind constantly but leave it up Jason to always make me feel better.

"I love you," I whispered into his warm chest.

I felt him kiss my hair. "I love you-" He started saying when the doorbell rung. My eyes immediately widened as my heart picked up.

Jason pulled me back and gave me a quick reassuring smile. "You're fine," He repeated his earlier words and I nodded, a tiny part of me relaxing. He gave a lips a peck and released, walking into the living to presumingly open the door.

I gave the mirror one last glance, fixing the maroon jumper properly over my bump. It was pretty noticeable in this jumper but I told myself that was a good thing because I'd ha proof, in case she thought I was lying or something.

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