Chapter 31

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A/N: I was in a weird mood today. That's why this chapter came out like this.

House on the side>>

Chapter 31

Jason's POV

My hand shook as I ended the phone call with the police. I exhaled a shuttered breath, my nerves were on edge and I had no reason why. I had done it. I confessed about the my father's scheme with my business and all I had to do now was wait. I looked over at Riley lying comfortably on my office lounge chair, his eyes stared at me worriedly.

"You're okay?"

I nodded,"Yeah, I think so. It's just waiting now because now I have to make sure their on my side. I've spoken with my lawyer and he said it shouldn't be that hard, seeing that I was young when this whole thing started.

I watched as he sat up slowly, his face formed a wince as his hand flew to his bump. I immediately stood up, walking to hs side.

"Are you okay?" My worry settling in. "You need help to the bathroom."

He shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile. "No, he's kicking like an animal and it's uncomfortable when I'm laying like that'

I smirked, pulling him up to sit between my legs. "My little Theo is feisty already?"

Riley laughed. "I'm pretty sure he just want's to get out of there. He's just like me, I'm a little claustrophobic too." He joked lightly.

I frowned, pausing my hands in the mist of petting his hair. " were in the closet that day you seemed fine."

He sighed, laying back into my chest. "The fear of being caught by her overrode the fear of being claustrophobic. I would have gladly hid in a suitcase if you had asked."

My chest soared with pride. "You're so strong." I held him close, sprawling my hand on his enormous bump. "Strongest person I've ever met."

He went silent for a moment and I wondered if I said the wrong when suddenly he said. "Jason, I don't want to live here anymore.'

My hand ceased it's movements. "What?"

He turned his body around, sitting himself sideways on my lap. I watched him bite his lower lip. "I know it sounds selfish-"

"You'd never sound selfish for asking for something you want. I'd give you the moon if I could." I confessed.

He smiled and pinched my cheek. "You're so corny, but I'm serious. You just bought me a ridiculous expensive ring and now I'm asking you if we can move. I'm not even working-"

"Shhh." I placed a finger on his lip and his cheeks reddened. "My money is your money, we're getting married soon, Riley. And for what it's worth, you are giving something in return. You giving me a little boy, everything that I've always thought I could live without," I told him. 

His eyes strayed, his cheeks still stained pink."What about the case? What if like, you lose and-"

"We won't lose." I assured him, even though I knew I shouldn't make a promise that I wasn't sure I could keep.

His gaze turned to me, green eyes sparkling. "It doesn't have to be a big mansion, just something homey."

"If that's what you want."

"Can we look now?" He asked sounding ecstatic, and that's how we spent the rest of the day. We looked over houses and mansions from big to small. Riley was making a big fuss about the prices until I decided to shield it every time we came across a house he liked. We eventually had to decide on two houses in the Hamptons, Long Island that we would visit the following day with a Realtor.

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