Chapter 23

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I don't know about this one guys....

Chapter 23

Three days has past since I found out that Jason's mother wouldn't be due back in New York until next week. Four more days. I was bubbling with apprehension and I tried to ignore the fact that this woman could either love me or hate me. My son could either have a grandmother in his life or live without one. I would have preferred the former. But I couldn't really expect his mother to love me right away. I practically broke their family apart.

The days have been flying by pretty fast and my afternoons were filled with hour to hour tv sitcoms as Jason worked in his office. Our morning schedule so far  consisted of him waking up before me, making breakfast and then heading straight into his office. When I woke up, I would heat up and eat the breakfast he made, then stroll into his office to give him a morning greeting. Then I'd head back into the room.

I tried not to bother him, since I knew he had a lot of work to catch up on. He was usually the one to check up on me. Not that I minded at all since we usually ended up in some type of sexual tangle that would have me floating on cloud nine after we've had our release.

I currently sat on the warm bed, munching away on the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had decided to create, and watching reruns of X factor. I was presently trying to figure out  why people wished to embarrass themselves on television, when Jason strolled in.

His nose scrunched up. "Is that peanut butter?"

I smirked at the look, knowing he loathed the smell immensely. "Yup," I popped the 'P'

He shook his head and I watched as he strolled into his walk in closet, pulling out a dark grey dress shirt.

I raised an eyebrow, placing the sandwich down. "Going somewhere?" I asked curiously.

He pulled his white t-shirt off, revealing the sculpted and firm chest I've never ceased to love. "Just going to meet a business partner," He said nonchalant, tugging on the shirt then pulling on a pair of fitted dark gray jeans.

He wasn't serious, was he?

My brows furrowed, "You're gonna leave me hear alone?" I whined, aware that I was sounding like a child.

He gave me a smile, "I didn't think you'd want to come to some boring meeting. I'm just grabbing dinner. I'll be back in an hour or so." He pulled on a black suit jacket.

I pouted, my foot coming off the bed as I walked over to him. He gave an amused look at the sullen look on my face. 

"I don't wanna be hear alone," I moaned out loud. Especially because I didn't even have anyone to talk to. For the last two days I've been trying to contact my friends and they all went straight to voice mail. It was odd but I deemed it normal since everyone had a busy life and probably didn't have time to talk late in the evening.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "If you wanna come.." He started.

"Yes," I said instantly, and he laughed amused at my sharpness. 

"You have to hurry though. I only have thirty minutes to get there," He pecked my forehead and I grinned in triumph, glad to finally be leaving this place. It was a warm and lovely home but I felt so suffocated in here. I needed fresh air, even if I had to sit through a boring meeting with one of his clients or whatever.

I grabbed a thick gray jumper, denim boot cut jeans, and a pair of chestnut colored uggs. I struggled slightly to put them on then gave Jason a questioning look.

"Too casual?"

He gave me a quick once over then beamed. "Anything looks good on you babe."

I fought the blush that tried to rise on my cheeks as I rushed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, getting rid of the creamy peanut butter aftertaste, then grabbed a brush to try to tame my hair. I decided the messy bed look wasn't gonna cut it, so I quickly combed it back leaving a few natural curls to lay against my forehead, a couple centimeters above my eyebrows.

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