Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

If I thought New York in the day time was the best thing I ever see I was lying, New York at night was a sight to behold. The night was a stark contrast to the bright lights that illuminated from tall buildings, billboards and even the many cars that raved through the night.

It really lived up to the name of 'the city that never slept', the streets were still crowded with taxi cars and tourists snapping pictures of the fast night life. My eyes were widened and intensely glued to the glass window of Christopher's sleek gray Honda civic.

The car ride were placed in a quiet comfortable setting with Christopher pointing out important buildings when we passed them. I was curious to how a person can live their whole life in the fast placed urban society but I the only explanation I could come up with is he fact that people probably never wanted to be lonely. With a large city like this, it was probably easy to make new acquaintances at every turn.

I finally sat back when I felt the car swerve slowly into a parking spot - totally by luck, New York didn't look like a place that you can easily find parking spots, Christopher turned the ignition off and I shifted my gaze to the large club with a large white rabbit holding a pocket watch as the clubs front billboard and a neon bright sign emphasized as 'The Leaping Rabbit'.

I frowned and glanced at Christopher, who was already looking at the mirror fluffing his already perfect curly black hair.

"The Leaping Rabbit? This seems oddly familiar but I don't know where I've seen it from." He slid the mirror back its place and turned to me, a smirk implanted of his tan face.

"The theme is based on Alice In Wonderland." After my Ohhh moment finally realizing where they came up with the idea, he winked at me then opened the door, slipping out the car with the smooth grace of a cat. Ihappened to stumble out the car,my feet tripping over the rug on the car floor effectivelively drawing a couple of wandering eyes towards me. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I was glad Christophers back was turned away from me already heading toward the front door of the club.

The line wasn't long and we got in with a quck flash of our I.D.'s and a wink from Christopher towards the bouncer. As soon as we stepped through the door, my ears were peirced with the loud booming of techno music. Bodies were huddled together grinding together as if stuck by sometime of unseen glue. And for some reason the faint smell of carrots and trees tickled my nose and it wiggled unconciously.

It was extremely crowded but through the piled bodies of dancing men he could easily notice lounge chairs and a large bar pushed to the side. As if on cue, my eyes gravitated to the walls and I almost gaped at the 'Alice in Wonderland' themed designs on the walls. I also took notice to the many young men that walked aroung with short shorts and small poof bunny tails, they also wore bunny ears that layed on top of their perfect groomed hair.

Christopher walked in front of me, successfully shoving and waving his way through the sweaty crowds. His face was formed in a mouth splitting grin as he waved over the tcrowd at what was probably his friends.

"Come on, the scooby-doo gang is over here". He yelled over the loud thump of the techno music and I made sure to keep pace, excusin myself everytime someone bumpe into me. It proved to be a difficult task and I'm pretty sure I got a few dirty looks but I couldn't apologize to everyone at once.

When we finally pushed through the crowd, I realized I was already sweating bullets from the heat of the place. I quickly wiped my palm over my forehead because I didn't need to embarrass myself in front of Christopher's friends anymore that I probably wasn't going to do.

Christopher jogged up towards what looked to be the sexiest man that ever walked on planet earth.

"Daddy!" Christopher yelled in joy.

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