Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I gazed anxiously around the large expensive looking cafeteria that currently held most of the staff members that I assumed were on break.

I had tried to avoid coming here since the first day I started working as the mail carrier because it was always filled with people that worked on the other floors and I wasn't exactly social. Tom, or Mr. Fraser that was my current boss, an a couple of other staff members had tried to coax me into coming to the suede looking place but I had simply refused. Deciding that walking four blocks over to the sandwich deli was much better and less expensive. Christopher worked here too but I rarely saw the man because he worked on the top floors and was usually running errands for clients, and asking him to technically be my lunch buddy was embarrassing.

The room practically looked like a restaurant. But what made me finally succumb to entering here was the fact that being pregnant made me lazy, and walking that far was stupid, when I could just walk one flight down to the cafeteria hall.

Only thing that made me anxious over these few weeks was the act that I was starting to show. The slight rounded bump that currently held a baby was hard to hide. I had to make Christopher and Rain take me shopping to grab some paternal clothing.

Rain and the rest of the gang were informed of the whole pregnant thing a week ago and to say to they were shocked would be the understatement of the century. Rain had just sat quiet and stared at my stomach for a whole twenty minutes. Tony and Sapphire had just jumped up and down, claiming they were to be known as the god parents, which eventually turned into a full blown argument between the two.

To say the least, it was an eventful evening and after awhile Rain had pulled me aside one day and told me he would support everything I did. From that day on he had been weirdly clingy but that wasn't exactly a bad thing because its what I needed right now because to be honest, I was scared, shit may pants scared, and I decided having a friend closer than normal wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.

"Riley!" My name being called snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned my head to see Tom walking over to me.

I gave a small smile and waved awkwardly, "Hi Tom."

"You finally made it I the dark side. What took you so long!" He grinned and I flushed, not wanting to tell him the real reason I was down here.

"Oh I just was hungry and decided to make a quick trip down here." I said glancing around the cafeteria again and inhaling the rich smell of food. I felt my stomach grumble.

"Why not relax and sit down, we have an extra spot at the table for you." He said gesturing over to the table with familiar faces from the office.

I frowned and bit my lip. "Er, I don't know. I really just wanna grab something quickly then head back to work."

He grinned and moved closer, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "You work too hard. Just relax, we're all friends here. You're not scared of

hanging it with me cause I'm your boss right?"

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I shook my head. "No, no. I'm just - doing my job".

"Well, since you say that. I'm immediately making this part of the job requirement. I'll even buy your lunch for you." He replied

"You don't-" I started

"My treat for you being such a hard worker." He said and I mentally gave a frustrated sigh as he led me over to the awaiting table.


I groaned as I glanced at my watch for the fifth time.

I had been standing, waiting for the bus for the last thirty minutes. And I would have quickly gotten a cab after I realized the bus wouldn't come it's designated time but I immediately thought about my finances and how I needed to stop spending money so quick. I realized that now that I had a baby on the way, I would have to save up some and no doubt baby things were going to be expensive.

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