Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

There was an uncomfortable silence that occupied the air as I stared nervously at Jason. He sat directly across from me, his leg jumping profusely and brows furrowed thoughtfully. We had silently moved into the house as soon I confessed to him he was going to be a father and since then it had been quiet the who time. I only stayed quiet because I knew he had questions but didn't know where to start, so I gave him his time.

I fondled at my loose t-shirt, until I heard his deep voice speak up.

"Is it...?".He trailed off making me bring my eyes to his. The unanswered question hanging in the air.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah," I whispered, watching his reaction carefully. "It's yours".

He exhaled a shaky breath, leg ceasing it's constant jumping. "How long have you known? Matter of fact, how long have you been hiding it? "

"A while".

"How long, Riley?"

My head dropped, shame welling inside of me. "About four months". I whispered.

I heard Jason cursed low and hard as I watched him stand up to start pacing. "How did you even hide it? I mean I noticed something strange going on with you but how didn't I fucking notice? " He started rambling to himself.

"Jason, you have to know I had a good reason for keeping it from you."

His eyes snapped to mine. "Do you now? Tell me Riley, what possible good reason do you have from hiding that you are pregnant with my kid!? " He shouted and I flinched back at the anger radiating from his eyes.

I suddenly felt small as guilt settled in my heart, almost choking me, "Because I was scared! You have a fiance, Jason and I didn't want to burden you with a child that you didn't want." I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I tried to force it back.

"The marriage is over!" He yelled back and I felt my breath hitch and heart jump at his words.


He finally stopped pacing and exhaled a loud breath, running a frustrated hand through his thick curly black hair "That's what I was doing these last couple of weeks, Riley. I found something horrible that my father did and I thought I could use it to my advantage. I told him if he didn't get me out of the wedding I would go to the public with it."

My eyes widened at that. "You threatened your father?" I asked, not sure if I was happy beccause he got out the wedding or horrified that he threatened".

"Don't feel sorry for that sorry excuse for a man." Jason snapped, his jaw clenched tight. "He's a sick fuck that deserves to rot in a jail cell for what he's done." His voice was cold, something I've never witnessed with him before.

A part of me wanted to pry for more information but I didn't think it was important right now. The important thing was that he was out of his marriage and my heart just couldn't beat faster at the thought of what this could could mean for us.

I watched as Jason came closer to me, suddenly dropping to his knees in front of my body. His head reaching the same level as mine. "I did it for us, Riley. I swear I did," He whispered, blue-gray eyes wide with honesty as he reached up stroking my cheeks. "I'm sorry I caused you to hide this from me. I don't even remember when I did this-"

"It was my fault". I interrupted a lone tear making its way down my cheek. "I told you not to use a condom when we were in your office..."

His brows furrowed for a second obviously trying to remember when it finally looked like the memory hit him. "Oh," He stated but then a small smile made its way to his face. "It takes two to tango. I knew of some men being able to get pregnant but I didn't think you were one of them."

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