Chapter 32

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A/N: I know I said this was going to end by the New Year but I wanted to give myself more time to write the sequel. This story will most likely have one or two chapters more before its finished. I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Btw Don't be alarmed of the little time skip I made, just want to speed things up a little.


Chapter 32

Riley's POV

I grumbled a curse as I had to once again shift my position from one side to the next. I looked up annoyed as Jason walked into the room. I thought I told him to leave already. 

He looked at me worriedly. "You sure you're okay?" He asked, grabbing a jacket from the closet.

"I'm fine, Jason." I huffed. "For God-sake I'm not an invalid, go do...whatever." I splayed my hand in exasperation. "I'm going to stay in bed all day anyway."

He only smiled at my words, although it didn't seem to reach his eyes and he walked forward to the bed, stooping down to my level. "I just don't think I should leave you here all one when the baby due date is so close."

I softened a little at his words, "I'll be fine." I whispered, looking into his cerulean eyes.

"Well, I called your friends over, so they should be over here in ten minutes."

I nodded my head tiredly, not even annoyed at the sudden announcement as a sudden wave of tiredness settled over me. I felt his lips press against my forehead before I felt my eyelids slid shut.


I was woken up later when I felt the urgent pressing of the baby on my bladder. Although, when I opened my eyes I was startled to see Tony's face grinning faces inches from mine.


I cursed and reared back into the bad, pressing a hand on my erratically pounding heart.

"Jesus, Tony. You scared me!"

He looked guilty as he backed up a little. "Sorry. You're just so adorable when you sleep."

I rolled my eyes and huffed as I tried to raise my body off the bed, with not much success.

I held out a hand to Tony. "Help."

"Oh yes, yes. Sure." He said quickly and grasped my hand, pulling me to a seating position.

I groaned at the sharp pain of the baby kicking and laid a hand under my overly swelled bump. 

"You okay?" I heard him ask and was about to reply when I heard Rain's voice form the kitchen.

"Tony, is he awake?" The familiar voice called out sounding closer and I watched as he entered the bedroom with a glass of water, with Christopher coming behind him.

"Hey, cupcake. How are feeling?"

"I'm fine." I enunciated. I was getting tired of the damn question. I've heard for the last five days since the doctor instructed me to go on bed rest "Can someone please help me to the bathroom?" I asked, looking down a my swollen feet.

"I got you, Ri." He came forward, first placing the glass on the bedside table then wrapping one hand behind me to support my lower back. 

We walked slowly to the bathroom until we reached the door. 

"Do you want me to s-"

"No." I snapped and closed the door in his face. After relieving myself and rinsing my hands, I opened the door only to see Rain standing patiently beside it. I suddenly felt guilty for slamming the door in his face.

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