Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Riley's POV

I was vaguely aware of my surroundings when my eyes opened. My head felt heavy, as if it was ran over by a train and my legs felt extremely swollen. I blinked away my sleepy eyes and the previous blur brushed away and in it's place the familiar site of a pristine white hospital room.

I groaned in agony when I felt another pounding ache at the side of my head.

"Riley?" I heard my name being whispered and I turned my head to see Rain blinking tiredly as if he was surprised to see me awake. He sat up the uncomfortable looking green chair. "You okay? How's your head?"

"I feel like shit," I murmured, pressing a palm to the side. It took me a moment but I suddenly realized I there was a reason I was in here, and the memory from earlier on came crashing back with momentum.. My eyes suddenly opened wide in panic.

"W-where's Jason?" I looked around frantically, preparing to get out of the bed but my large stomach and pounding head stopped me as soon as I kicked a feet off the bed.

Rain suddenly rushed over to my side, gathering my smaller hands into his. "Riley, Riley. Look at me." He stated. "Everything's fine. Okay? I'll explain everything that the police and the doctor told me but you have to relax. They told me you suffered a really bad blow to the head, nearly killed me with worry when I heard."

I shook my head and felt an overwhelming emotion crash upon as I thought about the reminisce of what happened. My eyes filled up as I swallowed a loud sob. "I- I didn't.. I tried to..."

"Shhh". He laid my head against his shoulder and I welcomed the warmth of his embrace. I needed something, a leverage to hold on to because I felt like my world was crashing down around me and I could do nothing to stop it

"You're alright." He cooed, rubbing circles on my back. "Your son's alright. Everything will be fine-"

"No it won't!" I cried out and sobbed harshly against his shoulders. "It won't be fine because I saw what Jason did. What if thy send him to prison. I can't...I can't raise this baby without him."

"Riley. Riley, look at me". He said firmly and I shook my head, not wanting to hear anything until I felt him pull me back and grasp my chin with his hands. His dark eyes showed reassurance.

"Jason did nothing wrong. I got a few details out of the police but Riley why didn't you tell any of us what was going on Christopher, me..even Tony? We would have helped."

"Jason said he'd handle it."I whispered, looking away from his eyes, it only made me feel guilty.

"Well he probably did or thought he did. Therefore, this is no one's fault. You had no idea she was going to do that and Jason did what he could to protect you guys."

I didn't say anything to that because he was right. But I just couldn't help the fear that lingered when I thought about what Jason's outcome could be. I didn't know what I'd do if I didn't have him in my life. I'd fallen hard and would be completely torn if someone took him away from me.

"Where is he?" I asked, the tears quickly slowing down.

"All I know is that they have him held at the precinct. But it's most likely that he'll get out on bail in a couple hours. If you want, Christopher is waiting outside and wants to see you, I can go ring up the police and ask them about Jason."

"Would you?" I held his gaze.

Rain smiled, brushing away the lingering tears. "Yeah. Anything for you." And before I could question the statement he stood up from the bed. "I'll get Christopher and the nurse to get you something for your head. I'll try to find some decent food for you too"

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