Chapter 4

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"Lucas!" I shouted for the hundredth time as I shook him to wake up. And guess what, he didn't wake up.

Looks like I've got no choice. I grab a bottle of ice cold water and open it.

"Last warning Lucas," I say and drop all the ice cold water across his shirt. He jolts out of his seat like he has seen a ghost. Classic!

"What was that for?" He asks as he removed his shirt and takes a clean one from his luggage, putting it on.

"It was the only way to wake you up, Lucas. Also because we've made it to the pack house." I point towards the pack house, right behind me.

"So soon," he whines.

"Yep. And stop putting on your shirt in the open. The girls are looking at you," I say as I head to the boot and take out my luggage.

"I guess they like, wait let me correct that, love what they see." Lucas flashed them a flirtatious smiles that has the unmated girls swooning.

"Lucas..." I warn. One of these girls must have a mate. And if their mate finds out that Lucas here is flirting with them. He will be dead meat.

"Let's go," I grab Lucas' hand and pull him towards the pack house, but that doesn't stop him from sending a wink the girls way again. Ugh!

"Looks like someone's jealous." Lucas teases and I roll my eyes so much, I think they might roll all the way behind my head.

"Am not," I say a bit too quickly and Lucas chuckles.

"Sure you're not. But there's nothing to be worried about. You have the whole package and they won't have any. 'Cause I know you don't share." Lucas sends a wink my way and I playfully push him away from me.

"You're nutballs, Lucas."

"Nutballs? Huh? Nut-balls?"

My face goes red when I realise what he's trying to imply.

"Lucas!" I shouted at the top of my voice and stomp ahead of me. He always finds a way to tease me. One way or another. No One Direction reference intended.

"Not when Lucas is still alive and well, beautiful," he says and winks at me, making me roll my eyes at me.

"Will the two of you stop bickering." Mom reprimanded Lucas and I. But by the look on both my parents face, they are clearly amused and are enjoying this too much.

My parents quickly grab their luggage as well and we all start heading towards the pack house.

"You two can head along. Lucas and I will be with the children now," I tell my parents and they nod before leaving us.

A guard leads us to the orphanage that was situated not too far from the pack house.

"I shall be the one to escort you to the orphanage. Follow me." he says in a deep, grumpy voice that had Lucas jumping on spot. I slowly nod indicating him to lead the way.

The guard stops abruptly and sniffs the air and looks at Lucas dangerously. Like he wants to tear him limb from limb. Lucas notices this and retreats behind me.

"Help me," he murmurs into my ear and I can't help but chuckle.

"Just relax, Lucas. He won't bite," I reassure him and turn to the guard smiling sweetly at him.

"Well it doesn't look like it. I can see his canines already," he whispers but it's useless as werewolves have excellent hearing sense.

A low growl escapes from the guard as we near the orphanage, making Lucas speed walk ahead of us.

Classical Lucas.

Arielle along with the children come into view. I genuinely smile when I see the faces of these children. With their cute cheek, toothy grins and those innocent eyes, they always make my day.

"Morning, Arielle," I say and walk towards her for a hug. The children see me and they all engulf me in hugs and kisses.

"Morning, Alyssa. How are you?" She asks and I simply tell her that I'm feeling great.

The guard unlocks the door to the orphanage and my mouth drops when I see the condition of the place.

Lucas shuffles beside me and I look his way.

"I'll be heading to the pack house now. Have fun, Alyssa," he turns to leave but stops when I get hold of his wrist.

"Miss me, already?" He asks.

"I need a favour. A good favour." I grin like the Grinch that stole Christmas and slowly turn my head on his direction.

"You are staying here with me Lucas. Whether you like it or not," I smile slyly at him.

This is gonna be good.


Thanks to all the wonderful people who have made it this far.

This was just a start but the chapters will become more mysterious and very interesting as we move on so stay hooked readers!

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