Chapter 44

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"Where is Zander?" The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

Hysterically, I approached Mabel, who was seated in the cold wooden floor, her eyes filled with tears from the kidnap of her grandson. Ruth was croached down near her, trying her best to comfort her grandmother.

"They took him, Alyssa. They.. they took my grandson," Mabel's cries filled the air. Tears tumbled down her face like a river, never-ending and continuous. Despair and concern for her grandson covered her features.

Looking at her, my heart broke in every second. My heart yearned to bring back the smile of a mother, and it also yearned for my mate. For his safe return back into my arms.

"Alyssa. Grandma won't stop crying. We have to do something. We have to find Zander as quickly as possible. I can't bare to see grandma like this," Ruth said, bringing Mabel's head to her chest. Trying her best to comfort her.

A silent tear slipped down her cheek, as she whispered comforting words to Mabel. Telling her that Zander was gonna be alright.

My mind was going wild at the moment. It's like it has stopped functioning and my world has been turned upside down. As much as I wanted Zander back safe with us, there was no clue that could lead us to him. Or his kidnappers.

Clearly, the claw marks indicated that rogues were responsible for this. But there has to be someone who is the mastermind behind all this.

"Hey, Al. Take a look at this," Lucas' voice pulled me from my thoughts. I walked towards him, trying to comprehend what he wanted me to look at.

Getting there, Lucas stood by our closet, a worried look on his face. Trying to figure out what got him worried I looked ahead and saw it.

On the closet was a note, written in fresh red blood that kept dripping. The note was secured on the closet with a sharp blade, that had blood on it too.

Swallowing hard, I pulled the blade out and gently took the note. As the blood was still fresh, the writing was all smudged. Squinting my eyes, I tried to read what was written on it.

Walk three miles straight into the woods. You'll find a black rock with a red cross on it. Push it over. It will lead you straight into a cave. Follow the path straight down. I'll meet you there.

P.S. Don't try to act smart. Try to and Zander gets it.

It felt like all the blood was sucked out from my body. All my mind could think about was Zander. He was in danger. And this is the moment he needed us more than anything else.

"We have to go, Lucas. We must leave now," my heart was racing as I began sprinting for the door, only to be stopped by Lucas.

"We can't charge in like that, Al. Whoever we dealing with is cunning and clearly dangerous. We need back up. I'll summon some pack warriors--"

"No, Lucas. We'll be risking Zander's life if we do that. I can't risk his life. Let's do as the note says," I told him.

"Lucas is right," Ruth spoke from behind me, holding a fragile Mabel in her arms.

"But--" I tried to argue.

"No ifs, ands or buts, Alyssa. Lucas is right. We are dealing with a dangerous person at hand and we need back-up. You two go along, I'll summon some pack warriors to barricade the areas near the cave. We need to save Zander and we need to do it now," she says, determination present in her voice.

Lucas nodded, and together we set out to track down Zander and possibly  his kidnappers.


"Is this the place," I asked, Lucas.

"Yeah it is," he replied, staring at the huge black rock that had a red cross on it.

After Lucas and I had walked three miles straight into the woods, we eventually came upon the rock. The rock was placed in front of some kind of doorway that led straight into a wide, dark cave. All we had to do was push it over to get in.

"I'll push it over," Lucas announced, taking long strides towards the rock. Using his vampire strength, he pushed over the rock with ease, making some space for the both of us to enter.

"It's so dark in here," I told him, taking a step into the cave.

"Yeah. That's why I need you to hold my hand, Al. That way, we can't lose each other in the darkness," Lucas said, intertwining my hand in his.

Without wasting any more time, Lucas and I strode into the cave, our footsteps echoing in it.

With every step I took, my heart was racing. I felt agitated, afraid. I just hope I can save Zander.

"Ouch!" Lucas and I said as we bumped into something hard.

"What was that?" Lucas asked. And in the darkness, I could imagine him rubbing his hand on his forehead.

"I'm not quite sure," I said. I began to run my hand on the cold metal, until I felt something.

"Lucas, there's a handle on this thing. This must be a door," I whispered to him.

With all the force I could master, I pushed the door, my teeth grinding against each other when the door scraped against the rocky ground.

"Finally, you have made. Welcome Alyssa,"


Hey, guys. I'm so sorry for the late update. I got so busy that I forgit to update. Silly me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading!❤❤❤

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